
To access the app, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Download the app

    1. Download via Apple Store

    2. Download via Google Play Store

After the app is successfully downloaded and installed, open it up and enter the email address registered within PowerSchool.

3. Email verification

After successfully entering the email address, a prompt will appear "Please check your email - Click the link in your email to log in."

Proceed to check your email on your mobile device and press the link within the email to complete verification. If the link does not work, use the PIN provided within the email within GoGuardian Parent to complete verification.

If you are having trouble getting into GoGuardian please do the following:

  • Check the email that is registered in the PowerSchool parent portal

  • Update your contact information in the Year Round Update form in the PowerSchool Parent Portal

Once the Year Round Update form is complete please allow 24-48 hours for it to sync with GoGuardian.

If you are still having issues getting access to the application, please review the guides below before you submit a ticket here.

4. Review terms and conditions

After successfully entering the email address, proceed to read the terms and conditions for GoGuardian Parent by navigating to the bottom of the text box. After reading the terms and conditions, press the checkbox to confirm review of the text and press the "I Agree" button.

NOTE: If the "I Agree" button is not present and shows as "Read to the bottom" be ensure that the text has been reviewed by reading to the bottom of the text within the text box and press the checkbox to confirm the text has been reviewed.

If this does not work, please close the application, confirm the device has an active internet connection, re-open the application, and try again. If the issue persists, please contact the school or district's IT administration.

5. Explore the tools

After successfully signing in, choose a student account to review activity from the "Your Students" page.

You may view the following information:

  • A list of the student's top 5 Top visited domains and GSuite files.

  • All browsing activity by domain logged within the Chrome browser for the student's managed Google account.

  • Set a schedule for accessing the internet

Note: GoGuardian Teacher is not yet available. You will not yet be able to see teacher interventions.

Website Filtering

From the homepage of the parent application displaying a summary of your child's browsing activity, press the middle icon at the bottom of the interface to open the Filters menu.

From the homepage of the parent application displaying a summary of your child's browsing activity, press the middle icon at the bottom of the interface to open the Filters menu.

After pressing Filters, tap the blue button at the bottom right corner of the interface to add a website to block access to for your child's managed device.

Type or paste in the web address to block. You can add subdomains such as mail.google.com or entire domains such as youtube.com.

Delete a filter by pressing the area to the right of the site and dragging it to the left. The row will be highlighted in red and will be deleted after being flicked to the left.

Pause the internet for your child

While your child is considered "out of school", you can pause the internet for a specified timeframe manually, or pause internet access on a specified recurring schedule.

Manually Pause Internet Access

  1. From the homepage of the parent application displaying a summary of your child's browsing activity, press the fourth icon at the bottom of the interface to open the time limits menu.

  2. Press the pause internet button to view and select the desired timeframe from the preset increments to pause the internet for your child. It may take around 2 minutes or so for the filtering to take effect on a child's managed browser.

Note: filtering may not appear to be effective if a child stays on a webpage for an extended period without navigating to a different page of the site. Activity will be blocked upon subsequent navigation.

  1. Once the internet has been disabled, the app will show a countdown to indicate when access will resume for your child along with an indication that the internet is turned off. Press the Resume Internet button to allow your child to continue using the internet as needed.

Scheduled Internet Usage

While your child is considered "out of school", you can pause internet access on a specified recurring schedule.

  1. From the homepage of the parent application displaying a summary of your child's browsing activity, press the fourth icon at the bottom of the interface to open the time limits menu.

  2. Press the blue Add Schedule button at the bottom right corner.

  3. Create a recurring schedule by specifying start time and end time of when the internet is to be disabled as well as the day(s) of the week you'd like the start and end times to apply to. Then click Create

Additional GoGuardian Guides:

Learn more here...

Getting started with Go Guardian

Viewing your child's data