Q: What were the most common types of damage reported during the previous school year? A: The most common types of reported damage were related to screen and keyboard damage, as well as lost power adapters. 

General FAQ

Q: Does the Chromebook belong to the student? A: The Chromebook is the property of the Parkway School District. 

Q: What if a Chromebook battery runs out during the day? A: The Chromebook should be charged every night to avoid this problem. A fully charged Chromebook will last through the entire school day. If the device was not fully charged, you will need to check with your building administrator or Technology Specialist for the school’s policy regarding devices that are not charged. Most buildings will either have spare chargers or loaner devices available.

Q: What if a student forgets his or her Chromebook at home or it is under repair? A: Check with your grade level administrator or Technology Specialist for your building’s policies regarding specific scenarios involving the student’s device being left at home. The building Technology Specialist will provide a loaner Chromebook that can be used while their device is being serviced.

Q: Can students add software to their Chromebooks? A: Traditional software install files that work in a Windows environment do not work on Chrome OS. Both Chrome apps and browser extensions are available to install provided their availability has been requested by building personnel, vetted by Technology, and approved for student use.

Q: May a parent opt out of the ALT Project? A: The ALT project is an instructional initiative with the goal of providing access to all students. Parkway will always work with parents to accommodate the needs of the child. The ALT Project Chromebook is required to provide an equitable classroom experience.  If you feel strongly about your child not participating in the ALT Project please contact building administration regarding accommodations for your child. Please understand that personally owned devices will not have the same level of access or support resources as ALT Chromebooks. 

Q: May students use their personal laptops or computing Chromebooks instead of the ALT Chromebooks? A: The ALT Chromebook will be a tool used by teachers in the classroom. They will provide equitable access to instructional tools and resources. We discourage the use of personal laptops or Chromebooks, unless otherwise directed by the building administrators or classroom teachers. 

Q: Will the Chromebook be compatible with home-based Internet connections (wireless and wired)? A: The Chromebook should work with most home-based internet wireless connections. The device does not have a physical ethernet port to support wired connections. Please refer to your ISP if you require assistance configuring the device to work with your home Wi-Fi connection.

Q: Can family members or siblings use the Chromebook? A:  The ALT Chromebooks can only be accessed by Parkway provided student or staff Google accounts. 

Q. Will students have access to technical support on evenings and weekends? A: This is a need we have identified and are investigating. At this time, we can not provide support outside of normal school hours. Please contact your building Technology Specialist during the school day for any technical support needs.