General Expectations/ Policies Expectativas generales/políticas

Students expectations

  • Make an effort to speak Spanish as much as possible.

  • Be on-time: have the electronic devices ready when class begins. (charged computer, camera/ video on for attendance, headphones, etc.)

  • Avoid distractions: no music, tv, phone or other distractions.

  • Mute your microphone when you are not talking. You can turn ON the microphone if you have questions, want to contribute with the class and HAVE THE TEACHER AUTHORIZATION.

  • Be respectful: use your real/legal name (no nicknames), use appropriate language and behave all the time.

  • Be responsible: If you are absent, you need to find out what was missed and turn it in within 5 school days.(most work will be available through Google Classroom)

  • NOTE: The chat is for questions or participation in class NO to say" hi" to your friends , personal or irrelevant comments.

Students expectations

  • Make an effort to speak Spanish as much as possible.

  • Be on time: come ready to participate and learn (and let others learn).

  • Have assignments ready the day they are due (in class work).

  • Participate: be an active learner and enjoy the process.

  • Be respectful: use appropriate language and behave when your interact with the teacher, classmate or in the classroom.

  • Be responsible: If you are absent, excused or unexcused, you need to find out what was missed and turn it in within 5 school days.(most work will be available through Google Classroom)

Attendance policies Hillsborough County Public School:

NOTE: All students must follow the School Policies and CDC recommendations /guidance