Spanish II

As students move along to the next level, everything from Spanish I is still critical: we will use Spanish to read, write, and communicate with each other.  A continued focus on acquiring the most used words in the language will help build proficiency with a goal of reaching Intermediate-Mid proficiency.

Class guidelines:

Come to class prepared: Notebook, pen, charged Chromebook

Listen with the intent to understand.

When a class response is required, EVERYONE RESPONDS.

Be willing to make mistakes, and allow others room for error.

Be honest, no copying or allowing copying.  Cite your sources. No translators!

Retakes are allowed on all assessments until the final week of the term.  You must turn in a “request to retest” form.

Late work is accepted

See page 18 of the Student Handbook.

Grading categories: PHS Grading Scale:

Reading 30% A 93-100 C 73-76

Listening 25% A- 90-92 C- 70-72

Writing 25% B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69

Speaking 15% B 83-86 D 63-66

Assignments 5% B- 80-82 D- 60-62

C+ 77-79 F <60

Proficiency Targets:

Term 1/3 Term 2/4

Speaking/ Writing Novice High Intermediate Low


See p. 11-12 

Reading/ Listening Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid


See p. 4 

Unit 1: Como agua para chocolate (13 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IT.1.c.i4 WL.IP.2.c.i4

WL.PS.3.b.i4 WL.IC.4.a.i+

Essential Questions

How do my emotions affect my eating habits?

In what ways are food and dining connected to my sense of family and community?

Target Structures

tiene hambre s/he is hungry

está triste y llora s/he is sad and cries

el lobo come the wolf eats

baila s/he dances


Listening: Henry el glotón

Reading: Como agua para chocolate

Unit 2: Los deportes (8 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IT.1.c.n3 WL.IP.2.a.i1

WL.IP.c.i4 WL.PS.3.a.i5 WL.PS.3.b.i4

WL.PS.3.c.i4 WL.IC.4.b.n+

Essential Questions

How do sports and sport fandom influence my culture?

How are my interests shaped by my place in the world?

Target Structures

eres you are

juega (un deporte) s/he plays (a sport)

quiere jugar s/he wants to play


Reading: Deportes en los países que hablan español

Listening: Rafael y los deportes

Speaking: Flipgrid re-tell

Unit 3: El cortejo (10 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IT.1.c.i5 WL.IP.2.a.i4

WL.PS.3.a.i4 WL.IC.4.b.a+

Essential Questions

What social behaviors surrounding dating are appropriate in my culture?

How does my family and my culture influence my perceptions of what romantic relationships should look like? 

Target Structures

agarra la mano s/he takes the hand

no conoce a nadie s/he doesn’t know anyone

sale de s/he leaves from


Listening: Story questions

Reading: El cortejo

Speaking: Flipgrid re-tell

Unit 4: El chico del apartamento 512 (8 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IT.1.c.i5 WL.PS.3.c.i4


Essential Questions

How do I evaluate the worth of another person?

At what point does flirting become sexual harassment?

How can I use my words to uplift other people?

Target Structures

quieres salir conmigo do you want to go out with me?

el hombre piensa que the man thinks that

una mujer bonita a beautiful woman


Listening: Sequence the story

Reading: Los piropos

Writing: Storyboard writing

Unit 5: Los niños prisioneros de Bolivia (6 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IP.2.a.i2 WL.IP.2.c.n3

WL.PS.3.b.i5 WL.3.c.i4 WL.IC.4.b.a+

Essential Questions

What rights should every child have?

In what situations might it be best for a child to be separated from his or her parents?

Target Structures

el niño escucha the boy doesn’t listen

lo que hace what s/he does

debe hacer s/he should do


Reading: La Cárcel de Palmasola

Reading: Los niños prisioneros de Bolivia

Writing: Opinion writing

Unit 6: La guerra sucia y las madres de la Plaza de Mayo (3 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i6 WL.IT.1.c.i4 WL.PS.3.c.i5


Essential Questions

What effect did and does the Dirty War of Argentina have on the lives of Argentinians?

Target Structures

una mujer vieja an old woman

no puede encontrar s/he can’t find

sus hijos their children


Speaking: Flipgrid- Las madres de la Plaza de Mayo

Reading: Las madres de la Plaza de Mayo

Writing: Las madres de la Plaza de Mayo

Unit 7: Robo en la noche (15 days)

Class novel


WL.IT.1.b.i5 WL.PS.3.b.i5 WL.PS.3.c.i5

WL.IC.4.b.i+ WL.CGC.5.b.i+

Essential Questions

How would life change if you were to move to a different country?

Why is a healthy environment important?

What can I do to help protect the planet?


Project after reading

Unit 8: El gaucho argentino (5 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i6 WL.IT.1.c.i5 WL.IP.2.c.i4

WL.PS.3.c.i4 WL.IC.4.b.i+ WL.CGC.5.b.i+

Essential Questions

What careers have been lost and created over the last century?

What careers will allow me to live the kind of life that I want to live?

Target Structures

trabaja en s/he works in

necesita s/he needs

vive sol@ s/he lives alone


Reading: El gaucho

Speaking: Flipgrid re-tell

Unit 9: El viajero (10 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IP.2.b.i4 WL.IP.2.c.i+

WL.PS.3.c.i5 WL.IC.4.b.a+ WL.CGC.5.b.i+

Essential Questions

What are some causes and affects of illegal immigration?

Target Structures

llega a un país s/he arrives to a country

regresa allí s/he returns there

lleva s/he wears, brings, carries


Reading: La inmigración

Speaking: Flipgrid re-tell

Unit 10: Las supersticiones Españolas (9 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IP.2.c.i4 WL.PS.3.c.i+


Essential Questions

Am I superstitious?

Is there such a thing as good or bad luck?

Which of my beliefs are influenced by my culture?

Target Structures

le da s/he gives him/her

devuelve s/he returns (an object)

esto le parece extraño this seems strange


Reading: Las supersticiones

Writing: Las supersticiones