Spanish I

Students will begin the process of acquiring Spanish. The main focus of level 1 is to be able to understand and read the most used Spanish words in order to comprehend commonly used language.  Speaking and writing skills will develop as students learn about a variety of cultural topics.  This course is designed to focus on language proficiency skills, with a goal of reaching Intermediate-Low proficiency.  

Class guidelines:

Come to class prepared: Notebook, pen, charged Chromebook

Listen with the intent to understand.

When a class response is required, EVERYONE RESPONDS.

Be willing to make mistakes, and allow others room for error.

Be honest, no copying or allowing copying.  Cite your sources. No translators!

Retakes are allowed on all assessments until the final week of the term.  You must turn in a “request to retest” form.

Late work is accepted

See page 18 of the Student Handbook.

Grading categories: PHS Grading Scale:

Reading 30% A 93-100 C 73-76

Listening 25% A- 90-92 C- 70-72

Writing 25% B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69

Speaking 15% B 83-86 D 63-66

Assignments 5% B- 80-82 D- 60-62

C+ 77-79 F <60

Proficiency Targets:

Term 1/3 Term 2/4

Speaking/ Writing Novice Mid Novice High


See p. 11

Reading/ Listening Novice High Intermediate Low


See pp. 3-4

Unit 1: Dice (9 days)


WL.IT.1.b.n2 WL.IT.1.c.n1 WL.IP.2.a.n1

WL.IP.2.c.n1 WL.PS.3.a.n1

Essential Questions

How can I introduce myself or someone else in Spanish?

What information do I want to know about someone else when I first meet them?

Target Structures

este es/esta es this is

un muchacho a boy

una muchacha a girl

dice s/he says

hay there is/ there are

le gusta s/he likes


Reading: Wildebeest

Reading: Me llamo Ronaldo

Unit 2: El encierro de toros (10 days)


WL.IT.1.b.n3 WL.IT.1.a.n3 WL.IT.1.c.n1

WL.IP.2.a.n1 WL.IP.2.c.n2 WL.PS.3.b.n1

WL.PS.3.c.n1 WL.IC.4.b.i+

Essential Questions

Why might I choose to participate in a dangerous activity?

Do I enjoy participating in events or observing events?

Target Structures

camina s/he walks

corre s/he runs

ve s/he sees


Reading: Billy camina a la escuela

Listening: Camina o corre

Writing: Structured Write

Unit 3: Cierra la puerta (5 days)


WL.IT.1b.n3 WL.IT.1.c.n3 WL.IP.2.a.n1

WL.IP.2.c.n2 WL.PS.3.b.n1 WL.PS.3.c.n2

Essential Questions

Who are authority figures in my life?

How do I typically respond to requests from authority figures?

How would I describe my character?

How would others describe my character?

Target Structures

nunca cierra s/he never closes

abre la puerta s/he opens the door

son las (#) it is (#) o’clock


Reading: Cierra la puerta

Writing: Storyboard writing

Speaking: Flipgrid re-tell

Unit 4: La universidad (10 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i4 WL.IT.1.c.n3 WL.IP.2.a.n2

WL.IP.2.c.n3 WL.PS.3.a.i4 WL.PS.3.b.n3

WL.IC.4.a.i+ WL.CGC.5.b.n+

Essential Questions

What might I want to be after I graduate?

How do I need to prepare myself for my future?

What are my unique talents, abilities, and interests?

Target Structures

toma s/he takes

habla s/he speaks

quiere ser s/he wants to be


Reading: El colegio San Patricio

Writing: What do you want to be in the future

Speaking: Flipgrid Re-tell

Unit 5: La corrida de toros (10 days)


WL.IT.i.a.i4 WL.IT.1.c.n2 WL.IP.2.a.n3

WL.IP.2.c.i4 WL.PS.3.b.i4 WL.IP.3.c.n3


Essential Questions

What cultural traditions do I practice?

What is or is not permissible in the pursuit of artistic expression?

How do I value animals?

Target Structures

tiene una novia s/he has a girlfriend

el hermano the brother

está enojad@ s/he is angry

va a s/he goes to


Reading: Los toreros

Listening: Miguel y la bicicleta

Writing: Corrida opinions

Unit 6: Siéntate (4 days)


WL.IP.2.a.n3 WL.PS.3.c.n3

Essential Questions

How do I respond to authority?

What kinds of instructions do I follow and what kinds do I ignore?

Target Structures

se sienta s/he sits

se levanta s/he gets up

le grita s/he yells at him/her


Speaking: Flipgrid Re-tell 

Unit 7: Los castells de Tarragona (8 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i5 WL.IP.2.a.n3 WL.IP.2.c.n3

WL.PS.3.c.n3 WL.IC.4.b.i+

Essential Questions

How do I help others in my family, my school, my community, and my world?

How can I make a difference in my family, my school, my community, and my world?

What risks do I take in my day to day life?

Target Structures

siempre le ayuda s/he always helps him/her

simpátic@ friendly

tienes que you have to

no puede s/he can’t


Reading: Castells Lvl 1

Reading: Castells Lvl 2

Writing: Shrinking summary

Unit 8: Piratas del Caribe (20 days)

Full class novel


WL.IT.1.b.i4 WL.IT.1.c.i4 WL.IP.2.a.i1


Essential Questions:

What was the Caribbean like in the 1600s?


Choice board project

Unit 9: La comida latina (9 days)


WL.IT.1.a.i4 WL.IP.2.a.i4 WL.IP.2.c.n3

WL.PS.3.a.n1 WL.PS.3.b.i4 WL.PS.3.c.i4


Essential Questions

Do I enjoy traditional flavors from Latin America?

Target Structures

busca s/he looks for

encuentra s/he finds

sabes you look for


Writing: Lo sabes

Reading: El sabor latino de la dieta americana

Speaking: Flipgrid Re-tell

Unit 10: El cucuy (6 days)


WL.IT.1.b.i4 WL.IT.1.c.i4 WL.IP.2.a.i4

WL.PS.3.b.n3 WL.PS.3.c.i4 WL.IC.4.b.a+

Essential Questions

What do you fear?

How do your fears influence your actions?

Target Structures

tiene miedo de s/he is afraid of

mira s/he watches, looks at

hacia towards


Reading: El cucuy

Writing: El cucuy

Speaking: Flipgrid Re-tell