Explore Reparations happening in the Berkshires

Goals for 2021-2022 School Year Student Action to Inform and Influence :

  1. Bulletin Board

  2. Our ¨Wish" Bracelet program (completed)

  3. Movie Night. (completed)

  4. Land Acknowledgment Plaque for HMS (arrived yet to be installed)

  5. Field Trip to Stockbridge (completed)

Bulletin Board Rough Draft

[ Work in Progress ]

Free movie night to promote awareness

Bracelet makers

Design Team

Wear to show your support!

Our goal was to get this Land Acknowledgement plaque to be placed in Herberg Middle School

A Land Acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.

Next Steps!

Goals for 2022-2022 School Year is the STEPS for Formal Placement of the Plaque:

NAMING SCHOOL FACILITIES POLICY for Dedicating Space for our Land Acknowledgement Plague


The following procedures are to be employed in considering possible school name changes:

1. Request will be communicated to the School Council of the school in question. Request will be communicated to the Stockbridge Munsee Tribal Council (next steps for tribal permission to be determined)

2. The School Council, will poll staff, parents in order to obtain comprehensive input concerning the proposal.

3. The School Council will forward its recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools, along with the results of the polling process.

5. The Superintendent will research the prior history of the school to determine whether there exists any prohibition against the action.

6. The Superintendent shall convey his or her recommendation to the School Committee, copy sent back to the School Council.

7. Proposal will be placed on the agenda for a regularly scheduled School Committee meeting to be made determined by majority vote.

(The Renaming of Schools Procedures shall not apply to facilities previously named to honor individuals.)

Evidence of Repairs in Progress

Senator Hinds: Bill HD.4627

An Act relative to the transfer of original documents to the Stockbridge-Munsee Community of the Mohican Nation from the town of Stockbridge