1. When should I keep my child home from school?
fever of 100 or more
large amount of nasal secretions and/or productive cough vomiting or diarrhea
contagious diseases not yet under treatment: pink eye, strep throat, ring worm, lice, impetigo, chicken pox to name a few
have not been fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Motrin
2. Do I need a doctor's note for my student to return to school?
A doctor's note is required if you student has missed 3 consecutive days or is returning from one of the contagious illnesses listed above.
3. Can my child bring cough drops to school?
Students are not allowed to have cough drops in the classroom. A bottle of water may be sent in with students instead of cough drops.
4. What if my student needs a change of clothes at school?
Extra clothes and underwear are kept in the Health Office in the event that a student needs a change of clothing. Please wash and return them to the Health Office.
5. What should I do if my child has lice?
Notify me at the Health Office. If your child has lice they need to be treated before returning to school. There are many over the counter treatments. Check with your child's pediatrician for the most appropriate one. I will check their head upon return to make sure there are no live lice.
6. Will my student need more immunizations once they start school?
Preschoolers need a yearly Flu shot by December 31st of their current school year in addition to the other immunizations needed to start school. Kindergarten students require boosters for MMR, DTap and Polio. Fifth grade students moving into 6th grade need a Tdap and Meningococcal immunizations. Check under the Immunizations link for complete schedule information .
7. What if my child needs a medication during the daytime but only short term?
Any time your child needs a medication at school a physician's order is required and a Medication permission form must be completed. Medication needs to be in original pharmacy container clearly labeled with the student's name. An adult must deliver the medication to school.
8. What if my child needs surgery during school year?
If your student needs surgery and will be missing school please notify me. If there are any restrictions or accommodations post surgery at school a physician's order is required.
9. What if my student has an injury that limits their activity? For example a broken bone or a concussion? What do I need to do for school?
A physician's note explaining the students restrictions is required. In most cases the student's are not allowed to participate in gym class or recess. In order for the student to resume gym and recess they must have a physician's note clearing them.
10. How can I best reach you with questions or concerns?
Contact your school nurse via the information on the homepage. Voicemail and email are checked frequently throughout the day and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
11. What happens if my child gets sick or hurt during the school day?
If a student suffers an injury at school first aid will be administered. If the injury is minor in nature I will not call home. However if the injury is more serious I will notify the parent/guardian and depending on the injury the student may need to be picked up by parent/guardian.
If the student bumps his/her head I will notify the parent/guardian. The student will be observed throughout the school day and a head bump information sheet will be sent home.
If a student has a fever 100 or higher , has vomiting or diarrhea, or signs and symptoms of an infectious illness I will call the parent/guardian to pick up that student.