
Mr. Elmuccio’s Course Policies

1) Our class will be built on mutual support and respect. Everyone has a right and responsibility to be heard. Teachers have a right to teach, and students have the right to learn. Disrespectful or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

2) At the beginning of the class period (designated time for that school day), you will go to our Google Classroom and click the Google Meet link in the banner at the top of the page.

3) Arrive to class on time with necessary materials. This includes your headphones, a pencil or pen, your own notebook and charged chromebooks .

4) When you arrive to class, take out your chromebook and be ready to work.

5) Assignments should be completed and ready by the dates they are due. If you are having trouble following the schedule provided, contact me and we can discuss how to keep you on track. Falling behind may make it difficult to complete the course.

6) Cheating and lying will not be tolerated. Cheating on any homework, test or quiz may result in a grade of zero. If you are found looking up answers, you may receive a zero on impacted assignments and/or be asked to complete additional assignments to show you understand the material.

7) If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make sure you keep up with the schedule. You may need to spend extra time working on assignments outside of class.

8) Your grade will be determined by the Edhesive grading rubric. For Intro to Computer Science, Practice is 20%, Assignments and Quizzes are 40% and Tests are 40%. For AP Computer Science A, Activities are 10%, Quizzes and Assignments are 30% and Exams are 60%.

9) While participation is not directly part of your grade, your participation is essential to the success of the class. This is your class, so make sure your voice is heard.

10) Cell phones are not to be used for this class. No exceptions. Anyone suspected of using a cell phone for any assignment or assessment may have their grade reduced to a zero.

11) Find time to meet with me. Regardless of performance, every student can find a way to learn more. Periodic meetings with me will help ensure that you are getting the most out of the class.

12) If at any time you are not happy with your performance or find difficulty with the material, see me as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have questions. Let me know if you ever want to talk, I will be happy to help you!!!

Office hours are 1:20-2:20pm.

Please contact me if you need help. My email address is melmuccio@pitman.k12.nj.us.