
Welcome to Fourth Grade Math! The fourth grade experience at the Shepard Elementary School is exciting and challenging. Building on the skills developed in the primary grades, we guide fourth graders to use those skills to further and inspire their learning. In addition to the academic work, student experience is broadened through our Mathematical Mindset model by Jo Boaler.

Did you know all school apps are just a click away?


Check out the new PISD Webdesk. This is your 1-click access to all your child's programs. Sign in one time with your pisd username and password, and access all of your PISD applications

Students are required to utilize the program at home (50 minutes). Students can log in using the same username and password as school. Click on the image to access Dreambox from home. Dreambox is a research based, online curriculum that is based on the principles of the National Councils of Teachers of Mathematics, NCTM. It is a program that is closely aligned with the national math standards and state standards.

Pearson Realize

In this website you will find your math textbook. You will also have access to games, quizzes, and explanations that will help you understand math concepts.

Username: same as school

Password: same password as school

Google Classroom

Sign in information:


Students login information is glued in the agenda.Most of Sumdog's games are multiplayer - this means that you can choose to play against other Sumdog users around the world! Each one of the math games cover about 122 numeracy topics, which are spread across 10 levels of increasing difficulty.

Xtra Math

Log on to XtraMath and practice fact fluency each night. It takes about 2 minutes!