Ionic Compounds

Types of Chemical Bonds

Properties of Ionic Compounds

Ionic Bonding Part 1

Ionic Bonding Part 2

Ionic Bonding Part 3

Ionic Solids (good, but you do NOT need to know Coulomb's Law or vapor pressure)

Ionic Formulas Intro

What is a Polyatomic Ion

Writing Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

Common MIstakes with Polyatomic Ions

Transition Metals in Ionic Formulas

Writing Formulas with Transition Metals

Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals

Practice Problems: Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals

Writing Ionic Formulas Practice

Writing Ionic Formulas Part 1

Writing Ionic Formulas Part 2

How to Draw Ionic Compounds with E-dots

What are Metallic Bonds?

Metallic Bonds (HONORS ONLY)

Molar Mass (this has both Ionic Covalent Compounds (next unis), but the process is the same.