Program News and Updates

ESL Stories:

ESL “World Cup” challenge a huge success

At the School of Extended Learning, 240 English as a Second Language (ESL) and Vocational ESL certificates were awarded this past spring – including some that were awarded retroactively. That number was almost five times greater than the previous year. Making achievement of certificates a priority, the noncredit ESL program team visited each ESL class with flyers and a giant goal-setting thermometer, challenging students with a “World Cup” goal to see 40 students earn their certificates. Not only did they rise to the challenge, they also shattered the goal.

All ESL classes are offered tuition-free and Certificates of Completion are officially recognized by the state of California.

School of Extended Learning classes are offered throughout each semester. In addition to noncredit ESL, other tuition-free programs include Adult High School, GED/Bilingual GED, Career Skills Institute, Health and Safety, and Parenting classes. The noncredit ESL program is supported in part by the CAEP Santa Barbara Adult Education Consortium.

From SBCC The Bridge September 2020

School of Extended Learning ESL Student lands job at United

“I am grateful SBCC Extended Learning gave me the start in building my English skills and the opportunity to get my first job in the USA. Thank you for everything!”

Joel Santana is part of a record-breaking year for noncredit ESL students achieving an ESL or Vocational ESL Certificate of Competency.

Originally from Brazil, Joel began taking Extended Learning ESL classes just two years ago, shortly after he moved to Santa Barbara in 2018. Soon he began speaking and writing in English.

“I became confident in my new language skills and, in October 2019, found a job where I could have the opportunity to improve by working as a customer service agent for United Airlines,” said Joel. “I speak English every day with people from around the world and I feel that I am improving day by day.”

In a virtual celebration ceremony in June, Extended Learning’s Noncredit Coordinator Sachiko Oates congratulated students and reminded them that our program team is here to help them succeed.

“We understand how hard it is to learn a new language, and that it is not always easy to join in class every day for busy adults with other responsibilities,” said Sachiko. “But you did it! Thank you for learning with us and thank you for investing in yourself and your family's future. We are so proud of all of you!”

Noncredit ESL classes are tuition-free. Students earn certificates through class attendance; learning grammar, vocabulary and expressions; participating in group discussions and activities. Progress is celebrated along the way with class parties and events. We congratulate all of our dedicated ESL students and welcome new students to continue your education and discover a world of opportunity.

From SBCC The Bridge September 2020

The Rewarding Path to Citizenship

Jessica Martinez is proud to be a newly-minted U.S. citizen. She attributes her success to the tuition-free U.S. naturalization preparation class offered at the School of Extended Learning.

Extended Learning citizenship program participant Jessica Martinez encourages her fellow immigrants to “work hard, be responsible, and seize the opportunity!”

At age 13, after her father’s death, Jessica moved to the U.S. with her mother and brother. She learned English as a Second Language and attended college for two years. After having to take time off from school in order to support her family, Jessica decided to apply for citizenship to open more doors for her education and employment.

Jessica now works in accounting and lives with her husband and son - and was finally able to visit her family in Guatemala after 19 years. She is excited to vote in the next election and is grateful for what living in the U.S. offers.

The U.S. Naturalization Preparation (citizenship) class (NCESL 040) meets Monday - Friday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Wake Campus, Room 27. This is an open-entry/open-exit class. Join anytime!

(CRN 62954 until March 7 or CRN 62902 March 9 - May 9)

2020 Spring Wake Up Call Written by Sachiko Oates

Discovering a Passion for Healthcare

A variety of tuition-free classes at the School of Extended Learning helped Virgilina Derrick explore educational options and discover her academic and career pathway. In 2018, Virgilina, who is from the Philippines, started her educational journey at the Wake campus in an English as a Second Language (ESL) class. Learning English hasn’t been easy, but she was delighted to meet many learners like her and be part of the diverse learning community in the ESL class. After receiving her ESL level 4 and grammar and composition certificates, Virgilina decided to take the Vocational English in Healthcare Course. That’s where she discovered her passion for healthcare. Virgilina then completed the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program and is currently taking the GED classes at Wake. Her goal is to get her high school equivalency and become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). She enjoys helping others and has found the right path for her. While Virgilina hopes to use her skills professionally in the future, she realized that the lessons in healthcare courses are useful in everyday life. Virgilina says, “We all take care of our family members or friends at some point.” Join Virgilina in exploring educational opportunities at the School of Extended Learning.

2020 Spring Print Schedule Cover story Written by Sachiko Oates

Student Poem “ Life is Full of Surprises” by Miguel Zarraga

Life is full of surprises.

As a child, everything is

Wonderful and pretty.

But it’s foolish to believe

That there aren’t any

Obstacles that must be

Faced in a lifetime.

Life can be tough and

There aren’t any superpowers

That can fix that.

Bumps in the road are part of life.

Every time you fall,

Pick yourself up.

Never surrender.

Everywhere you go,

Every path you walk

Won’t be easy. Therefore,

Be grateful for what you have.

Give what you can.

Help whoever is in need,

And be respectful.

Miguel Zarraga is from Mexico and is a noncredit ESL student who is now working on his GED. Miguel wrote the poem last year for his writing class ESL Writing for Academic Success.

From Wake Up Call April 2019

From NonCredit ESL to Tenured Faculty Angel Cardenas Shows Sacrifice Pays Off

Angel Cardenas is department chair of SBCC’s Computer Network Engineering Department, but when he arrived in Santa Barbara from Mexico City at age 17, he couldn’t communicate in English. He began studying ESL in 1989 as a non-credit student, and he still remembers his first ESL instructor, Lisa Kroes. “She was so dedicated to us, and welcoming,” he says. “The least I could do was to study hard to show her I appreciated her work.” It took 11 years of hard work and sacrifices to complete his college education as a transfer student at UCSB. Since his first class, Angel has gone from noncredit to credit student, to staff, to adjunct faculty, and tenured faculty in 2002. “SBCC has been part of my life since 1989 when I signed up for Lisa’s class,” he says. “The road to achieve your goal may be longer than others, but don’t give up. Persistence is the key!”

From Wake Up Call March 2019 Written by Laurie Mason

Juan Perez Used Education to Conquer Defeat

Having earned his AA at SBCC, Juan Perez, 31, will transfer in spring 2019 to CSU Channel Islands to study clinical psychology. It wasn’t easy, and his struggle to get there informed his choice of majors.

When Juan came to Santa Barbara from Oaxaca, Mexico at 18, he quickly enrolled in Level 1 ESL classes at the School of Extended Learning (then Adult ESL), but admits he wasn’t committed. Life became difficult for many years. “I didn’t have goals or a purpose,” he says. In his darkest moment, an inner voice told him his only answer was to focus on learning English. “It was my way to heal myself experiences that put me in a situation where I felt defeated as a person.” Now Juan will use his journey to help others as he works toward his goal of a BA in clinical psychology. “I have the experience of knowing I can push through.”

From Wake Up Call January 2019 Written by Laurie Mason
Juan Perez.mp4

New American Citizen Chon Benitez Credits noncredit ESL Class

Chon Benitez came to the US from the mountain range of Sinaloa, Mexico in 2000. Eighteen years later, he’s an American Citizen. Learning English was his first goal. “I knew I wanted to stay in this country,” he says. “And I felt it was important to assimilate and learn English.” After a few years in Los Angeles, Chon began ESL at SBCC’s School of Extended Learning in 2005. “It feels amazing to be a citizen,” he says. “I am proud of myself. It is one of my biggest accomplishments.” Today, Chon credits studying ESL for landing a great job that he loves. “I encourage everyone to practice English and follow your dreams.”

From Wake Up Call November 2018 Written by Laurie Mason

Rudy Perez Clocks Nearly 50 Years of Teaching ESL

Rudy Perez is Extended Learning’s longest-teaching ESL instructor. Hired in 1970, Rudy has taught in Carpinteria where he was born for 48 years. Living and working in his small town he enjoys witnessing first-hand the fruits of his labors. “I’ve seen my students make wonderful contributions beneficial to the whole community,” says Rudy, whose father was an immigrant from Mexico. He adds, “I feel fortunate knowing I have in my humble way contributed to the betterment of our community.”

From Wake Up Call October 2018 Written by Laurie Mason

School of Extended Learning Noncredit ESL 2017-2018 Annual Report Submission

The noncredit English as a Second Language (ESL) program helps adult immigrants from all over the world prepare for a new life in this country. Tais Martins is one such student who moved to the United States from Brazil in 2014. Tais started to explore her career and life goals in ESL level 2 class at the Wake campus. “Learning English opened doors for me,” Tais explains. She has passed level 4 (the highest noncredit ESL level) and is now enrolled in the personal care attendant class in the Career Skills Institute at the School of Extended Learning. “There are more steps to get where I want to be, but I know I am on the right path. The staff and instructors at the School of Extended Learning help me believe in myself,” Tais says about her journey.

So far in 2017-2018, the noncredit ESL program has offered over 200 sections, more than 20 different types of courses from Citizenship to Vocational English at 15 locations in Santa Barbara, Goleta and Carpinteria. We have served more than 2,000 students since Fall 2017. Many learners like Tais are studying with us to become productive members of this community.

By Sachi OatesFrom the SBCC Annual Report 2017-2018, Fall 2018 Schedule of Classes

A Community Heroine

On May 29, Rebecca Simon, an English as a Second Language instructor at the School of Extended Learning, was given the Arthur Kennedy Award by Isla Vista Youth Projects (IVYP). “Rebecca has touched so many lives in our Isla Vista community. She is a true advocate who values education, culture, and opportunity,” Julia Lara, the Thrive Isla Vista coordinator, said during the ceremony.

Rebecca has been bringing people and organizations together to serve the Isla Vista (IV) community. She started teaching English to the parents of the English Language learners in IV Elementary through a UCSB program in 2002. When she saw the need for quality childcare for those parents, Rebecca reached out to IVYP so that the parents could pursue their own education. When UCSB's program was about to end, Rebecca met with the principal at IV elementary and SBCC's then Adult Ed (School of Extended Learning) director in order to continue to provide English classes for free. Most recently, to address the students’ needs to develop digital literacy skills, Rebecca brought yet another organization on board: St. George Youth Center YMCA. Thanks to this alliance, Rebecca’s students now have access to computers. Along with her former student and an instructional aide, Cecilia Herrera, Rebecca continues to support and inspire her students in Isla Vista. The ESL program offers tuition free English and Citizenship classes in Isla Vista, Goleta, SB and Carpinteria. Summer II session is July 2- August 9.

Written By Sachi Oates

From June 2018 Wake Up Call

Bucket Brigade Stars

A star showed up to the Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade to help dig out Montecito homes after the devastating mudslides and we're not talking about Oprah, who was also in attendance. Lissié Bellido is a star instructor at our English as a Second Language program.

Lissié works long hours and is a divorced mother of two boys, yet she still found time to volunteer with her son Alessandro. Lissié inspires her students every day with her passion and dedication in class. You’ll find equally committed teachers at all 14 ESL locations in Santa Barbara, Goleta and Carpinteria where we offer free English and Citizenship Prep classes. Summer classes start May 21.

From May 2018 Wake Up CallWritten by Sachi Oates

Tuition-Free ESL: 100 Years and counting...

Meet Angelina Valenzuela. She is an ESL instructor at the School of Extended Learning. Angelina has been helping adult immigrants in this community since 2004 and “enjoys the satisfaction that comes with watching [her students]... achieve their dreams.”

Going back 90 years, in 1928 her grandmother, Maria de los Angeles Garcia, who Angelina was named after, immigrated to Carpinteria from the rural town of La Barca, Jalisco, Mexico in search of more opportunities for a better life. Although she only had a third grade education, Maria really loved school. In 1955, she enrolled in the adult ESL citizenship class at Santa Barbara High School (SBHS), the class we still offer at the same location. She became a citizen in 1956 and had a fulfilling life in Santa Barbara. Her legacy lives on with her family, and her granddaughter is helping a new generation of immigrants in this community.

We are proud to celebrate the 100th year of the SBCC Extended Learning programs allowing Angelina and all the other wonderful instructors and staff to provide quality and needed education to adults in our community.

Written By Sachi Oates

Maria de los Angeles Garcia and her husband

Maria's citizenship study guide from 1953

from February 2018 Wake up Call

Vocational English Courses

At La Cumbre Jr. High School, the noncredit ESL program offers unique vocational English classes: Job Success, Child Care & Food Services (coming Soon).

Free dinner for children up to the age of 18, ($4 for adults) M-Th, 4:45-6 pm, and childcare M-Th 5-7 pm are available on site thanks to the SB Unified School District Program for Effective Access to College (PEAC). This collaboration started in 2011 and students are learning the English necessary to pursue or advance in a career.

Written By Sachi Oates

Vocational English Child Care Certificate Students (Fall 2017 Cohort) and instructor Gigi Stein.

from January 2018 Wake up Call

Quenick Barreto Miranda

Quenick Barreto Miranda started his educational journey in the USA at SBCC’s Wake Campus in 2013. After completing the first two levels of Noncredit ESL, Quenick transferred to Credit ESL. Four years later he is on the road to success! Quenick is currently enrolled in ESL reading 5, basic math and Karate. He is pursuing his dream of starting his own business. Quenick is now debating whether to study automotive technology or construction technology and he hopes his story will inspire many students to follow their dreams and achieve their goals.

from November 2017 Wake up CallWritten By Sachi Oates

Noncredit ESL program’s New Partner: YMCA St. George Youth Center

Thanks to the YMCA St. George Youth Center, the adult ESL students in Isla Vista now have access to computers.

“My kids do homework on the computer and I want to help. Now I can learn with the kids. I appreciate this opportunity.” said one of the students at Isla Vista School/St. Gorge Youth Center.

The students are learning English with multimedia which allows learning to be individualized and student-centered. They are learning to read, write and communicate online. We work for and with the community!

from November 2017 Wake up CallWritten By Sachi Oates

Program Newsletter