
What's my role?

As your course instructor, I am your first contact for any help you might need in this course. If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Text me @ 805-699-5117 or use the Canvas Inbox. If you're having difficulty using Canvas, please let me know.

Faculty (including me), counselors, student tutors, and more are ready to help you reach your educational goals. We can help you with your course schedule, choosing classes, finding student aid, study skills, tutoring - you name it, we have someone who can help. To locate the service you need, see the services listed below. Don’t see what you’re looking for? No problem. Just text me @ 805-699-5117.



Don’t forget. I’m here to help, too. I’m not an expert on everything, 

but I can help you find someone who is.