

You will have the opportunity to learn a lot about American History. Please contact me if you are worried about the weekly workload. I can give you strategies to make this course more manageable.


Please note that this class is paperless. All your written work for this class will be composed in Google Docs and submitted electronically through Canvas (every enrolled SBCC student has a Google Docs account). Also, you will need to bring an internet-enabled device to every class session.

What you can expect from me:

What I will expect from you:


Many of us may experience emotional reactions to the evidence encountered in the study of American History; it has the power to evoke strong emotions. Some may be triggered because the issues discussed are very real in our everyday lives. Others may feel upset because they are just discovering this information. It's important to acknowledge that all these feelings are valid. What truly matters is how we handle and process them. I hope we can challenge ourselves to pay attention to our emotions, reflect on what's triggering us, listen to and respect one another, and openly share these feelings with the class (or privately with me if you prefer). This honest and open dialogue is crucial for authentic learning and growth to take place. One of the most important assignments in this course, your Reflection assignments, will provide opportunities to process the emotional impact that this course may have on you.