Year 8

Changes to STart/END time, Entry to School and Lunch location

The School day

The start and end time to the Year 8 day has changed. This is because we ran a 'later' day for Year 10 from September, but we found the impact of the Year 10 double lesson scheduled 1 and 2 was lost when it was delivered lessons 2 and 7. As a result we have returned Year 10 to an earlier start to address this, but to ensure distancing between years is possible at the start of the day, Year 8 need to move to a 9.15 start.

9.15: Lessons begin (with lesson 2 on the timetable)

10.05: Break

10.25: Form time

10.45: Lesson 3

11.35: Lesson 4

12.25: Lunch

1.05: Lesson 5

1.55 Lesson 6

2.45 Lesson 7 (the subject timetabled as lesson 1)

3.35 Dismissal


Year 8 must enter school through the gate to the right of the old reception. They will walk round the outside of the building to the Courtyard, where they will wait before school and enter through the door into room 117. Toilets will be by the restaurant. They are the only year group using this entrance at 8.25am. Please arrange to drop off and collect your child on our surrounding roads to avoid a large gathering immediately outside the school gate.


Year 8 lessons will continue to take place in the newly refurbished performance corridor. The map on this page shows you where the classrooms are situated. Students will stay in the same room for almost all of their lessons, unless they are specialist rooms, for example Design Technology, where they need specialist space to access the curriculum. These rooms will be wiped down between groups as different year groups will be using them.

The Year 8 Office is now accessed through room 112 readily accessible to students. Mr. Craig and Mrs. Sawyer, one of our Learning Mentors, will be based in this area.

Break and Lunch

Year 8 will have break and lunch in room 114 and the Courtyard, where there will be table tennis tables and outside seating.


Each student will be issued with a lanyard and ID card. Each year group will have a different coloured lanyard to make it easy to identify that students are in the right zone of the school. The ID card will make the lunch queue quicker whilst we avoid fingerprint technology. Students who lose or break their cards will be charged a replacement fee.


Year 8 will use the new toilet facilities by the restaurant. They will share these with Year 9.

PE Kit

Students must come to school in their PE kit on days that they have PE lessons as there will be no changing facilities available.

Lesson 7

As we have staggered the school day, lesson 7 is now a 'normal' lesson for some year groups. We will restart our Head's Challenge Lesson 7 programme as soon as we possibly can. We know students (and staff) really enjoy it, but we have to prioritise safely opening the school to all year groups before we can get back to this.


Year 8 lockers are in their form rooms, where almost all of their lessons will take place.


We will not be able to run assemblies with the whole year group in one room. We will have a combination of recorded and 'live' assemblies using technology.

Supporting you and your family

We know the last few months have been challenging. Please look at the tabs above for more detail about how we will keep students safe at school, some student wellbeing resources, and a range of FAQs.