Unit 2: Biopsychology

Unit Overview:

In this unit we will discuss...

The Biological Foundations of Behavior (8 - 10% of the AP Exam)

This section includes and fairly intensive study of neuro-anatomy and neurological functions. Students who have taken anatomy will be well prepared for this section.

Sensation and Perception (6 - 8% of the AP Exam)

This section includes a study of the visual and auditory process, including how the brain differentiates stimuli.

States of Consciousness (2 - 4% of the AP Exam)

Waking, Sleeping, Dreams, and Hypnotism: separating the science from the myths.

Ch3 Biological Foundations of Behavior

Unit 2, Activity 1, Understanding the Brain

Unit 2, Activity 2: The Nervous System

Be sure you have read Section 1 of Chapter 3 in the textbook. We will also cover this information in class. The video below is a brief review of the human nervous system.

Unit 2, Activity 3: The Neuron

Materials: Be sure to bring the following materials to class.

Each group will need:

  • Two lengths of string: 36 inches and 24 inches long.
  • Eight paper clips of varying size and color.
  • 12 bottle caps of two different colors (plastic water bottle caps, metal mineral water or cola caps).
  • 18 small buttons of three different colors.
  • Six medium-sized buttons in two different colors.
  • A Ziploc bag to hold all the pieces.

Procedure: You have been invited to speak to an elementary science class about neurons. Use the items to construct a model of a neuron. Then be prepared to use your list to describe the structure of the neuron to the class. You must use all of the items in your model.

Unit 2, Activity 4: Neurotransmission

Unit 2, Activity 5: Understanding the Brain Through Technology

Unit 2, Lesson 6: The Brain - Basic Anatomy

Unit 2, Activity 7: The Brain - Structures and Functions

Unit 2, Activity 8: Hemispheric Lateralization