John H. Glenn School Counseling

1005 Turnerville Road, Pine Hill NJ, 08021

Phone 856-783-4100 | Fax 856-741-0374

At John Glenn School we are committed to ensuring students develop the social and emotional skills needed to be happy, healthy and successful learners. We believe academics and social emotional learning are interdependent and hold equal importance. For the past several years, our school has been building our knowledge on Restorative Practices and Trauma Informed Care. These programs help us develop an environment where students feel safe, supported and have a sense of ownership of their learning, growth and behaviors. All students receive in-class guidance lessons to develop coping skills and conflict resolution abilities. They participate in school-wide activities and teacher led initiatives to build empathy, resiliency and a positive growth mindset. Students who need further development in these areas may be supported by small group or skills based counseling services. Our school draws upon the related arts team to offer reflective or restorative sessions for behaviors that may traditionally have been addressed with “detentions”. This team is also accessible during the day to reward positive behaviors or to simply provide a calming area and reinforce coping skills. In addition, John Glenn is proud to be among the few schools who offer an in-house team who meet solely to develop positive behavioral interventions and provide mentorship for students needing the greatest support. Please ask your students to share their knowledge about coping skills and problem solving with you and be on the look-out for our home-school connection newsletters. We welcome your feedback!
Ways to Say Hello e-Book.pdf