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Personalized SAT Practice with Khan Academy

Standardized Testing
Seniors earn their lanyard to leave for lunch by meeting/exceeding each area on the SAT OR earning points by taking advantage of test prep opportunities.
Test Prep Opportunities:
Khan Academy - Khan Academy is a great way to earn test prep hours as it individualizes your prep based upon assessments and the skills you gain. Students are able to gain hours based upon the amount of time spent and activities completed. See the slideshow to the left to see how linking accounts works. (Free)
SAT Practice Exams - These practice exams can be printed out and taken. (Free)
SAT Test Prep Book - Students also have the option to complete the tests contained in this book. They are virtually the same as those listed in the 2nd link. The benefit to these books is the explanations to answers contained within the book itself. Like the above practice exams, completing a full test is equivalent to four hours of test prep time. ($$$)
IVCC Test Prep Classes - IVCC in Oglesby offers both online and in-person instruction in SAT test preparation. ($$$)