Q: What is Remind.com and do we need to sign up?

A: Yes, the students should Sign up for Remind.com by texting @phsdred to the number 81010 . This is used to communicate important information about the class or drives. And is how they can contact their drive instructor if something comes up that conflicts with a scheduled drive.

Q: How to I get an enrollment verification for the DMV?

A: The DMV no longer requires an enrollment verification from the school. Parent/Guardian signature on the application form is all the verification the DMV requires.

Q: Where is the classroom?

A: Driver Ed class is in room 223.

Q: How many classes can my student miss?

A: You may have ONE PREARRANGED absence during the 11 week course. This must be made up by attending the same class the following term. This means that your student will not completed driver ed and get their card UNTIL that class is made up. More than one absence will result in being dropped with no credit and NO REFUND.

Three tardies or any tardy more than 15 minutes equals one absence.

Q: Since my student is in driver ed, do I need to drive with them as well?

A: YES!! PARENTS MUST give the student the opportunity to drive as much as possible. Consider it homework! Do not withhold practice time as a punishment. Once they have their license you can withhold driving privilege as a punishment but during driver ed this is HOMEWORK. Students MUST practice driving between each drive in the class. The course is only 4 drives before the final drive test. Students need as much practice as possible to make the most of their time with instructors.

Q: Do we get to keep the Playbook?

A: Yes, this is yours to keep. Please read the playbook and reference it when you have questions.

Q: What happens if I get my license or turn 18 prior to the completion of the course?

A: Eligible students who obtain their license or turn 18 prior to completion of the course will be charged an additional $210, because they no longer qualify for the state subsidy