World Language Teacher Resources

How to use this Site

A short guide that provides an overview of the World Languages Site and its content. 

Links to updated curricular materials, ACTFL national standards, and sample proficiency-oriented rubrics

Links to Lesson Planning tools, differentiation strategies, materials for in-class use, and the Terms and Activities list

All upcoming and recorded PDs can be found on the PD Opportunities Doc, including

Seal of Biliteracy

The Seal of Biliteracy is a joint project of World Languages and the Office of Multilingual Curriculum & Programs to honor students' multilingualism.

The full website of updated information can be found here.

 A document that brings together key topics for self-directed professional learning, including blogs, articles, videos, and groups for Language teachers

Borrow individual copies of a novella to preview before using in class. Support for planning with novellas can be found here

Office Hours

There are two hour-long blocks each week, when I am available to talk about the updated curriculum, planning, assessment, activities, WL-helping tech tricks, or that cool language acquisition article you just read. 

AM:  Mondays 10:00 - 11:00am

PM: Thursdays 2:00 - 3:00pm

and by appointment on my Calendly.

The ZOOM link is the same for every session.