OSS New Hire Pre-Service Training



We are so happy to have you as a new employee of the Office of School Safety! Use this page as a "home base" during your onboarding and pre-service training process. Here you will find new employee resources, your training schedule, and general District links to make your transition to the District a seamless one. 

The PDF to the left includes information on:

SDP SSO Trainee Dress Code - Handout.pdf


All School Safety Officers are required to follow the dress code outlined in our department directives, Directive 6.8. A brief summary of the dress code can be found on the handout PDF to the left.

The PDF to the left includes information on:

Please note: If you were unable to pick up a uniform shirt during the early-August uniform fittings you must wear a plain white t-shirt to training on day one. A uniform polo shirt will be provided to you before the start of the first session after you have been fitted. 

If you have questions or concerns about additional uniform pieces (pants, shoes, etc.) please reach out to the team.

New Employee Username Sign Up (Handout).pdf

SDP District email set up

Please use the handout to the left to set up your SDP email address before attending training. 

The process starts at the District login website: https://sso.philasd.org/cas/login 

Mandatory Self-Paced VIRTUAL sessions


All new School Safety Officers must complete four separate NIMS courses as part of pre-service training. Each NIMS course is completed online and is self-paced. To receive credit, you must complete the course and the course exam. Upon passage of each course exam, download your certificate of completion and send it to Training Coordinator, Anthony Pastore at aspastore@philasd.org for your training record. 

Instancy LMS

Log in to the SDP Employee Portal (using this link) and navigate to the tile title "Instancy LMS - OSS Training and PD" pictured above

This is your Instancy portal where you will complete all mandatory Office of School Safety trainings (trainings that only our department complete). To onboard as a new School Safety Officer, you must complete the following trainings:

Cornerstone LMS

Log in to the SDP Employee Portal (using this link) and navigate to the tile title "Performance and PD Management System" pictured above. 

This is your Cornerstone portal where you will complete all mandatory HR trainings. For our onboarding, this will include:

Virtual Training Steppers

Instancy LMS

Instancy is a learning management system (LMS) used by the Office of School Safety to assign any content specific to School Safety Officers, Area Managers, and Supervisors. Here you will complete trainings on Office of School Safety Directives and more! 

Although both Instancy and Cornerstone are learning management systems (LMS), Cornerstone will be used by the Office of Professional Learning to assign any district-wide content, Instancy will be used for any training content that is specific to the Office of School Safety (example: Act 126 Mandated Reporter training will be on Cornerstone but an update to Directive 2.3: Search & Seizure will be on Instancy). When in doubt, think OSS = Instancy, SDP = Cornerstone!

FEMA Student ID Registration

Use the stepper to the left to learn how to register for a FEMA student ID. You will need this number (and password!) to take the FEMA course exam and to download your course certificates.

FEMA NIMS Certifications

Use the stepper to the left to learn how to download your FEMA certificates. Once downloaded, please email all certificates to Anthony Pastore (aspastore@philasd.org).

Cornerstone LMS

Cornerstone is a learning management system (LMS) used by the Office of Professional Learning to assign any district-wide session to all SDP employees. Here you will complete mandated trainings like Act 126 and sexual harassment training. 

Although both Instancy and Cornerstone are learning management systems (LMS), Instancy will be used for any training content that is specific to the Office of School Safety. Cornerstone will still be used by the Office of Professional Learning to assign any district-wide content (example: Act 126 Mandated Reporter training will be on Cornerstone but an update to Directive 2.3: Search & Seizure will be on Instancy). When in doubt, think OSS = Instancy, SDP = Cornerstone!