
Academic Announcements

Progress Reports are available on Skyward Family Access on Monday, December 17. Please check your child's current academic progress and contact their teacher(s) if you have any questions or concerns.

Third Grade Spotlight

In third grade, Ms. Bailey's class is currently working on an inference project. This project, fitting with the holiday season, will be centered on Dr. Seuss', The Grinch.

In 3rd grade science, we learned about forces of motion, as well as friction, gravity, and speed. We got to see this in action and experiment with these forces at Fun Slides Skatepark. In math, we are learning how to divide, as well as working on fact fluency for multiplication.

Field Trip to Fun Slides

Third Grade also participated in a class field trip to Fun Slides Carpet and Skate park, where students were engaged in a STEM activity learning about kinetic and potential energy and movement.

Kindergarten Gingerbread Houses

In Ms. Rayburg's Kindergarten class, Mrs. Martin led the students in building their own Gingerbread houses. They carefully used their building supplies consisting of graham crackers and frosting to construct their houses. Over the course of two days, students built their foundation, but on the second day, their creativity took shape as they decorated their homes with assorted candies.

Eagles' Holiday Gazette