FACTS School Information System

FACTS provides software to connect families to their school. At Pine Hills you can work with Mrs. Wareham to create a login and check your grades through FACTS. In the "olden days," when grading was an analog process, a parent or student would often wait until mid-quarter or even the end of the quarter before getting an update on their grades. Now, technology allows grading to be shared in real time. Normally, for me, assignments will be posted in Google Classroom and students will submit work through Google classroom. Often, initial feedback will be given via Google classroom, including a score. Assignments will then be entered in the FACTS grade book. A regularly updated grade book can be motivating to students. However, the reality is that I have struggled with loading grades into FACTS in a timely way. I know it is important to have regular updates but I also ask that parents and students be patient with me if work is not immediately updated in the grade book. I'm a work in progress! Mrs. Wareham is able to help if you are unable to log into FACTS. I am always happy to answer questions about assignments in my classes.