Google Classroom Standard format for all PGMS

For example of "How to" Setup a Google Classroom (standard format for all PGMS) please click the link below to see an example.

Please select "Join Class" and use the class code: 6vphjbt

"Week at a Glance" in Google Stream.webm

Tutorial on posting "Week at a Glance"

Teachers need to post "Week at a Glance" every Tuesday morning by 8 AM for" Administration and Students/Parents in

All work needs to be posted in "Assignments"

The different components to Google Classroom Assignments labeled in the example to the left.

Teacher - Posting in Classwork.webm

Tutorial - How to Post Assignment

Step by step guide how to post "Assignments" in "Classwork" in "Google Classroom" (so many "Quotations").

A more in depth tutorial video (in only 4 minutes!) on the different options and "how to" post assignments.

How to add Parent/Guardians to Google Classroom

Parent/Guardians are notified weekly of students work trends and missing assignments. Teachers only need to add Parent/Guardians email.

google classroom parents invite.webm


Interactive videos for students that you have the ability to choose from already created videos, or make your own. Videos and questions are pushed out from your Google Classroom!

This is a great six minute video guiding teachers through all the steps of both setting up classroom, pushing out through their Google Classrooms, choosing pre-made video, or creating their own videos questions and grading.

Additional short and helpful Edpuzzle tutorial videos