Thank You & Farewell

Dear Chorus & Music Students and families: 

I pray that your summer is off to a great start. I am writing to inform you that I will not be returning to Samuel Ogle Middle School next year. I accepted a position at Thomas G. Pullen K-8 Creative & Performing Arts School where I will be the new Choral Director. 

I am so proud of each of every one of you and am so excited for what each of your futures holds. This is a bittersweet moment for me because we have done great work together at Samuel Ogle Middle School. 

Students who are still at Samuel Ogle, please do not give the new Chorus/Music teacher a hard time. I am working with Mr. Millspaugh and we are working to hire the right person for the job. Please welcome them and do all that is necessary to continue our legacy of choral excellence at Samuel Ogle Middle School.

To those students who signed up to take piano, Mr. Millspaugh hired your teacher a few weeks ago. I sat on the interview panel. Dr. Vashti Gray Burgess is a phenomenal teacher and pianist. She is my dear friend. I am so excited for what she will bring to Samuel Ogle Middle School.

Remember, you can always keep in contact with me. Please email from time to time so that I am aware of how you are doing. When you achieve or accomplish something, I want to know about it and celebrate you.

You can always contact me at or

Thank you for making my time at Samuel Ogle Middle so great.

With gratitude,

Mr. Ocie S. Banks

Choral Director