
7:50-8:15 Morning Duty

During this time, the school counselor will monitor students during arrival

8:15-8:30 Planning Period

During this time, the school counselor will plan for the delivery of the comprehensive school counseling program. In addition to this, the school counselor will consult with leadership, teachers, parents, student support personnel, referring agencies and community partners in order to plan for individual students and to drive the delivery of the school counseling program

8:30-9:00 Advisory, Direct/Indirect Services, Check-Ins

During this time I will meeting with students and/or stakeholders to deliver interventions and services. I will also manage the delivery of the school counseling program.

9:00-10:00 guidance Lessons

During this time I will be teaching guidance lessons to students bi-weekly.

10:00-10:30 Responsive Services, Indirect/Direct Student Services

During this time, the school counselor will engage in student academic planning, goal setting/personal education plan. I will also engage in data monitoring and analysis of comprehensive school counseling program. The school counselor will also meet with individual students and groups of students and/or stakeholders to deliver interventions and services.

10:30-11:00 Lunch duty

Kindergarten Lunch Duty

11:00-11:30 GOLD COMMITTEE or PEER Mediation

During this time I will meet with peer mediators or GOLD committee members to train and plan for our student programs.

11:30-12:00 Responsive Services, Program Management, Indirect/Direct Student services

During this time, the school counselor will engage in student academic planning, goal setting/personal education plan. I will also engage in data monitoring and analysis of comprehensive school counseling program. The school counselor will also meet with individual students and groups of students and/or stakeholders to deliver interventions and services.

12:00-12:30 Lunch break

12:30-1:00 Responsive Services, Program Management, Indirect/Direct Student services

During this time, the school counselor will engage in student academic planning, goal setting/personal education plan. I will also engage in data monitoring and analysis of comprehensive school counseling program. The school counselor will also meet with individual students and groups of students and/or stakeholders to deliver interventions and services.

1:00-1:30 Student Check-ins

During this time, the school counselor will meet with students.

1:30-2:00 Student Check-ins

During this time, the school counselor will meet with students.

2:00-2:15 Dismissal

2:15-2:30 Afternoon Duty

Monitor 3rd-5th grade hallway during afternoon dismissal.