Internet Safety

Information provided by "Innocence Stolen: Protecting Our Children" a presentation from the United States Attorney's Office - Maryland

Internet Golden Rules

(Excerpt from Innocence Stolen: Protecting Our Children presented by Vincent DeVivo, Community Outreach Specialist, The United States Attorney’s Office – District of Maryland - presented to PGCPS School Counselors on 8/30/17 )

1. Rules from “real” life apply: courtesy, kindness, modesty, dignity, respect for the law, and others, etc.

2. Don’t talk to strangers.

3. Keep your private information private.

4. Never agree to meet an online friend without your parents.

5. There are no guarantees that what you say or post on the internet is private.

6. Information, including photos, videos, etc., posted on the internet can last forever.

7. Watch for apps that are difficult to understand, have a hidden purpose, or access your camera.

8. Find the “good" online – good friends, good websites, good games – and enjoy.

Internet/Technology Safety Tips

for Parents & Students

Internet golden rules and adults students.pdf

Social media safety / dangerous apps

Social Media Safety in the 21st Century..apps handout (1).docx
15 Dangerous Apps for Parents spanish translation.pdf