Audiovisual Repair Request

IMPORTANT: These procedures are for equipment that is NOT under warranty

-- also they do not include laptops or desktop computers

New procedures have been established for electronic equipment repairs (e.g. Overhead Projectors, Speakers, LCD Projectors (No Bulbs), CD Players, DVD Players, VCR's, Visualizers, Document Camera's & Stereos)....[no laptops/computers and no equipment that is under warranty]

  1. Fill out an Audiovisual Repair Request Form, submit.
  2. Prepare equipment for pick up, fill out a hard copy of "Audiovisual Repair Request Form" (if you do not have one, indicate yes on the electronic form and the driver will bring some to you), leave equipment and filled out form in the media center/office and make sure to inform your secretary of its location.
  3. A staff member from the shop will pick equipment up (not the pony).
  4. The equipment will be returned as soon as it is repaired.

If you have any questions, contact