School-Public Library Partnerships

"Both public and school libraries are community centers at heart, with the same goal: to provide a safe, welcoming environment for all patrons and access to information in a variety of formats. When public and school librarians and library workers engage in collaboration, community members reap the benefits."

From: Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) - A Division of the American Library Association


Linking Literacy and Learning

What is LINK?

LINK allows all Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) students access to library services using their 9-digit ID Number with PGCPS in front, no sign-up needed!

Ex. PGCPS100100100 (ID can be found on child's report card)

The last four digits of their number is the PIN. (Ex. 0100)


Public Library & School Library Collaboration (pdf format; research toolkit)