PDS at Oaklands

Intern Checklist (Phase I and Phase II)

  • Review School Year Calendar with mentor teacher

  • Review and follow daily schedule

    • includes schedule/duties of your mentor teacher

  • Have required PGCPS security courses taken

    • provide copy of fingerprint receipt and certificate to PDS Coordinator

  • Be professional at all times

  • Join inquiry group

  • Review action research

    • Phase I: start thinking about research question

    • Phase II: begin implementing strategies to gather/collect data

  • Use of co-teaching model (interns work with students at all times)

  • Creating bulletin boards

  • Grading work

  • Team planning and collaboration

  • Reflection of teaching and practices

  • Provide lesson plan 48 hours in advance of teaching a lesson

  • Integration of technology

  • Attend BSU seminar classes

  • Attend ALL staff meetings

  • Conference with mentor on a weekly basis

  • Conference with BSU Supervisor bi-weekly

Phase I Timeline


  • Welcome interns:

    • tour the building,

    • introduction to principal and staff

    • introduction meeting

  • Review school expectations/guidelines, professional disposition, responsibilities

  • Expectations of inquiry groups, action research, portfolios and class assignments

  • Required Professional Development (PD) session

  • Review evaluation rubrics and timeline

  • Attend staff/intern meetings

  • Review edTPA Lesson Plan template

  • Begin collect artifacts for Electronic Portfolio


  • Review updates of assignments and their completion process

  • Confer with mentor regarding progress on:

    • professional dispositions, classroom management, and instruction

  • Continue completing reflection journals

  • Lesson planning (using edTPA Lesson Plan template):

    • continue to provide lesson plan 48 hours prior to teaching a lesson

    • continue integrating technology into the classroom

  • Feedback:

    • collect/gather constructive feedback from mentor teacher

  • 4 Way Conference (intern, mentor teacher, school principal, site coordinator)

  • Attend staff/intern meetings

  • Continue to collect artifacts for Electronic Portfolio


  • Assignment check and Taskstream Uploads

  • Continue completing reflection journals

  • Lesson planning (using edTPA Lesson Plan template):

    • continue to provide lesson plan 48 hours prior to teaching a lesson

    • continue integrating technology into the classroom

  • Feedback:

    • collect/gather constructive feedback from mentor teacher

  • 4 Way Conference (intern, mentor teacher, school principal, site coordinator)

  • Attend staff/intern meetings

  • Continue to collect artifacts for Electronic Portfolio

    • complete rough draft of Electronic Portolio

Phase II Timeline


  • Welcome back

    • Review school expectations/guidelines, professional disposition, responsibilities

  • Expectations of inquiry groups, action research, portfolios and class assignments

  • Attend Required Professional Development (PD) session

  • Review Expectations for graduation

  • Develop and create cover letter and resume

  • Continue with inquiry groups

  • Draft proposal for action research

  • Lesson planning (using edTPA Lesson Plan template):

    • observe and teach at least 1 lesson (planned by mentor teacher) a week in order to prepare for 2 week take over

  • Continue co-teaching model where intern and mentor teach together.

  • Look over rubric for Phase II midterm 3 way conference

  • Feedback: review constructive feedback form mentor teacher

  • Continue collecting evidence for Electronic Portfolio

    • add to your Electronic Portfolio


  • Continue with inquiry groups

  • Begin implementation of interventions for Action Research Project

  • Lesson planning:

    • observe and teach at least 1 lesson (planned by mentor teacher) a week in order to prepare for 2 week take over

  • Continue co-teaching model where intern and mentor teach together.

  • Look over rubric for Phase II midterm 3 way conference

  • Feedback: review constructive feedback form mentor teacher

  • Continue collecting evidence for Electronic Portfolio

    • add to your Electronic Portfolio


  • Update on assignments:

    • Action Research (bring closing to interventions and begin analyzing data)

    • Electronic Portfolio (continue adding and editing artifacts for electronic portfolios)

  • Action research presentation practice

  • Electronic Portfolio practice

  • Continue with video/written reflections

  • Feedback: review constructive feedback form mentor teacher

  • Look over rubric for Phase II Final 3 way conference