Fifth Grade Field Trips

The HBOSC will offer virtual field trips for students during the fourth quarter.

The classroom teacher must register in advance using the registration form as has traditionally been done with in-person programs.

Please contact the program's instructor or creator with any program-specific questions. Contact information for Outreach Teachers can be found on our Staff Information page. Direct all other questions to


Registration is needed for virtual field trips! Click here to go to the registration Form! 

Available 4th Quarter

Challenger Classroom Adventures: Aquatic Investigators

Instructors - Serena Gayles and John White

The Commander of an undersea lab informs the students that Eric and his fellow Hawaiian monk seals are missing from their usual home in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The Commander asks the class to investigate why seals left their home and determine the possible location where scientists should look for them. As they work to find the answer, a seaquake takes place damaging the undersea lab and putting the crew at risk. The team must work together to quickly repair the lab and ensure the safety of the crew. When the crisis is averted, the group returns to continue their search to find the missing Hawaiian monk seals.  

Available All Quarters

Destination Mars

Instructors -Serena Gayles and John White

Post-visit activities will be shared via email after the program!