Attendance Matters


Tips Ensure your Student Attendance School Daily

  • Young children need routines. Routines help them know what to expect and when things will happen; a consistent routine helps them learn how to plan.

  • Get things ready the night before. Help your child to choose clothes, or choose for them; place the items where they can be easily found in the morning.

  • Help them pack their school bag and place it by the door.

  • Make a bedtime routine. Talk about what will come next as he/she baths, brushes teeth and puts on pajamas.

  • Teach your child why it is important to go to school every day. If you work, explain that your job is going to work and their job is going to school. If you stay at home, explain that your job is to take care of things at home while they are at school. Help them to understand that school is a place to learn and make friends.

  • Learn the names of your child’s teachers and friends and talk about these special people during your time at home.

  • Read books together about going to school.

Administrative Procedure 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence and Truancy
