Library Policies

Selection Policy

New material selected for the school library must:

  • be relevant to the curriculum;

  • reflect the multicultural composition of the school;

  • free from bias or stereotyping;

  • meet the needs and interests of all students/staff;

  • reflect the range of topics covered in the curriculum;

  • provide points of view concerning current problems and issues; and

  • be chosen with consideration for the developmental level of students.

-Adapted from Prince George’s County Public Schools, Administrative Procedure 6180.2.

Gift Items

Any item donated to the library must be relevant to the curriculum. Donated books for the library must be hard back, preferably in library binding because of its durability. Before donating equipment, please contact the Library Media Specialist. Disposition of gifts is at the discretion of the Library Media Specialist.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics was created by the American Library Association (ALA). This code governs everything we do as Librarians. The Code of Ethics is our pledge to the user to provide high quality service while maintaining individual privacy and freedom. Click on the link to view the ALA Code of Ethics.

-Source: American Library Association website,

First Amendment Rights

The library should be a welcoming place where everyone should be free to read. Click on the link to view my Freedom to Read statement. It is my pledge to the user.


Students have the right to privacy. It is unethical for a librarian to discuss students' checkout habits including type of material without consent from the student or parent/guardian.


It is expected that teachers inform students about plagiarism. There are several books available for check-out in the library to help students learn about plagiarism.