

Dr. Cruz will may take attendance during the first 15 minutes of each live instructional session using an interactive feature built-in to the web-based lesson or by by using the Zoom chat recording. Students who arrive after attendance has been taken will need to notify Dr. Cruz immediately upon arrival so that she can adjust the attendance record.

Please see additional county-wide Attendance Policies here.


Submission of all assignments for this class will be managed through Google Classroom. MOST assignments will require the student to complete or upload assignment documents directly in the Google Classroom platform.

However, some assignments will need to be completed in other applications (ex., DBQ Online, etc.). These additional applications that will be used for class assignments will be accessible through PGCPS Clever. Students will complete the “work” in these applications, but still need to indicate “completion” through Google Classroom. This practice will allow consistency in regard to posting and submitting assignments, monitoring grades and progress, and receiving feedback from the teacher.

CLASSWORK (35% of the overall grade)

Classwork consists of the participation/engagement, guided practice, and independent practice tasks that will be assigned during the instructional period. These will include, but not be limited to, Do Nows, Notes/Graphic Organizers, Document/Resource Analysis, Brief and Extended Writing Prompts, Geography/Vocabulary Skills Practice, Content Reviews and Daily Exit Tickets.

Majority of Classwork Assignments will be managed (submission/notification of completion, feedback, and grading) through the Google Classroom Platform. Some of the projects will be completed using the other softwares.

CLASSROOM-BASED ASSESSMENTS (40% of the overall grade)

Assessments consist of formative and summative evaluations of student progress and achievement. Assessments will be administered during the instructional period as well as through independent assignments. These will include, but not be limited to, Unit Assessments, Content Quizzes, Research Essays, and Individual and Group Research and Presentation Projects.

All assessments will be announced in advance, with opportunities for students to review and prepare. Research Essays will be spread out over multiple instructional periods and always begin with guidance from the teacher. Group Research and Presentation Projects will be implemented and managed during the instructional period.

All Classroom-based Assessments will be managed (submission/notification of completion, feedback, and grading) through the Google Classroom Platform.

INDEPENDENT ASSIGNMENTS (25% of the overall grade)

Independent Assignments consist of tasks that the student will complete on his/her own outside of the live instructional session. These will include a Daily Exit Ticket to be completed during the 20-minute Independent work period directly following the class session.

In addition, on alternating Wednesdays students will complete skills practice, content review, and current events activities on their own. The Wednesday Independent Activity will need to be completed/submitted by 2:30pm.

Dr. Cruz will be available through Office Hours (Zoom, Email, Google Classroom Comments) and pre-arranged Small Group sessions to assist with Wednesday Independent Assignments as needed.

All Independent Assignments will be managed (submission/notification of completion, feedback, and grading) through the Google Classroom Platform.


Students will be able to access make-up work through Google Classroom and the Classroom Website. All lessons will be archived in the Classroom Website, organized by the instructional unit. All make-up assignments will need to be submitted through Google Classroom.

It is important that students notify Dr. Cruz when they are submitting late assignments, so that she can be sure to look for them. And in some instances, students will need to request assistance with late assignments that have expired access codes.


Classwork, Assessments, and Independent Assignments will be graded and “returned to students” through the Google Classroom platform.

Short and selected-response assignments will be graded before the next instructional period. More extensive and assignments requiring constructed responses will require more grading time.

Dr. Cruz will provide feedback on each assignment as well as notification when no assignment was submitted.

Students will receive at least two grades per week. Grades will be updated weekly in SchoolMax.


Our virtual learning environment will require that students learn to manage and organize their work digitally, rather than using binders and paper. Students will be trained how to use digital interactive notebooks, graphic organizers and Cornell Notes templates to take notes during class.

Students will be instructed how to create and manage Google Folders and Sub-Folders to house and easily access their work for each class. These Google Folders will take the place of the traditional binder.


Parents are highly encouraged to monitor their child’s work on a routine basis. This can be done by:

  • Securing a quiet, designated area for your child to complete his/her work

  • Providing required classroom supplies

  • Accepting Guardian Invitations from Google Classroom

  • Completing the Parent Contact Form, accessible here

  • Monitoring work assignments, submissions, feedback, and grades in Google Classroom

    • NOTE: Students sometimes try to avoid assignments by clicking “submit” or “turned in” but not actually completing any of the work. This can give the false impression that assignments have been completed. Please always check for feedback and grades as well to be sure that all assignments have been completed, received, and graded.

  • Monitoring and assisting with the organization of notes and work in the Google Folders

  • Viewing the Course Syllabus and Classroom Website for detail about instructional units

  • Checking the Classroom Website regularly for Parent Updates

  • Monitoring grades weekly through the SchoolMax Family Portal

  • Registering for Blackboard Connect to receive messages and updates from the teacher

  • Emailing the teacher directly with questions or concerns

  • Checking in periodically to ask students to explain current class topics and share assignments