
Counseling Services Available at Wieland

Guidance Lessons

Your child will receive whole-class guidance lessons each month. Our topics include promoting self-esteem, goal setting, coping with feelings, problem solving skills, character education, personal safety, and bullying prevention. These lessons are designed to help your child become successful at school and in life. These lessons are taught through books, games, group discussions, puppets, and role playing.

Small Group Counseling

Some children meet in small groups with the counselor to work through problems or feelings they may be experiencing. Some small group topics include dealing with divorce, promoting positive self-esteem, building social skills, and motivational issues. These topics are dealt with through art work, role playing, games, books and discussions. The groups will be held once a week for eight weeks. If this opportunity is offered to your child, you will receive a permission slip from me. You may also request that your child participate in one of these groups by calling me or your child's teacher.

Individual Counseling

I am also available to speak with parents or children individually about situations that may arise. Referrals for individual counseling may be made by staff, parents, or students themselves. I meet with the student to understand their needs, give support, and offer constructive suggestions. Please keep in touch with your child's teacher about any major changes that occur in your child's life.


Conferences are held with parents, teachers, and administrators to facilitate the development of appropriate services for students.

Community Service

One of my jobs is to involve the students of Wieland in community-wide efforts. Some of the projects include a Thanksgiving Food Drive, a Winter Coat Drive, Adopt-A-Child Holiday Event, etc.

Ways to help your student be more successful in school:

*Arrive at school on time

*Get plenty of sleep

*Homework should be done in a quiet place

*Ask your child specific questions about their day

*Communicate positively with teachers and other school personnelÂ