Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach used to promote school safety and good behavior. The goal is to create a positive school climate in which students learn and grow. With PBIS, schools teach students about behavior expectations and strategies. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment. The adults in the building proactively address student behavior and encourage students to make positive choices.

PBIS is not a curriculum or a one-day training. PBIS is a process that requires on-going commitment in order to create effective systems for teaching and addressing behavior and building social-emotional skills.

PBIS follows a three- tiered pyramid to support students:

Students who are Tier 2 or Tier 3 may need additional support.

Some supports include:

  • Reteaching and Modeling Appropriate Behaviors

  • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

  • Check and Connect

What is reteaching ?

Taking the time to review the expectation and modeling how to act appropriately to decrease the behavior and build confidence in the student(s). This may be done with a whole class or a small group of students.

What is a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?

This is a document developed by the student and staff to address the individual behavioral needs of any student whose behavior interferes with his/her learning or the learning of others. A BIP is designed to stop problem behaviors and teach desired behaviors through rewards and positive reinforcement. The plan gives teachers and staff a clear set of behavioral goals and accommodations for your child. It also offers strategies to help the child meet those goals. The overall goal is to get the student back to Tier 1.

Behavior Intervention Plan- Teacher and Student Examples:

What is Check and Connect?

This is a mentor/coaching program which is either for an individual student or a small group of students with the following components to address behavioral needs to increase academic engagement and achievement.

  • The mentor will check-in with the student in the morning to set goals for improvement. The mentor will check on the student throughout the day to celebrate the student's successes.

  • Encourages students to feel comfortable dialoguing with adults to celebrate daily/small accomplishments.

  • Support students as they share their personal insight on daily situations while being listened to by a respected adult.

Successful Check and Connect doesn’t focus on the student’s struggles in behavior. Instead, it centers on the positive behavioral goals met and the efforts made by the student to attain those goals. The overall goal is to get the student back to Tier 1 on the pyramid.