Guidance & Counseling Information

School counselors will be available through phone and email. Individual parent and/or student conferences will be scheduled ahead of time to arrange for proper meeting environments.

It is important to note that in case of an emergency, students, parents, guardians, or caregivers should immediately dial 911.

Other emergency contacts include but are not limited to:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

NJHOPELINE: 1-855-654-6735

2nd Floor: Confidential and anonymous hotline to find solutions to problems you face at home, at school, or socially

  • 888-222-2228 (can call or text)

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: Confidential and anonymous hotline to discuss problems you are facing and feelings of suicide

  • 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

PerformCare: If your child is currently experiencing a behavioral health crisis, please call right away at 1-877-652-7624.

Please know that it is completely normal for families and students to feel anxious over COVID-19 however, it is important to talk through this anxiousness. Below are some resources that provide information/talking points for parents to utilize when talking to their children. It can be accessed through the following website or through accessing the attached PDF document:

Students and families are encouraged to reach out to their school counselor with questions or concerns that they have. Thank you for your time and assistance in sharing this information with your child.