Digital Technologies


COURSE - Multimedia

LEVEL - 9/10

LENGTH - One semester


Multimedia skills are a growth market in a society that is increasingly relying on them to communicate messages and deliver content. This course will explore various aspects of Multimedia and design professional products to promote given messages.


This course will include Graphics/Graphic Design, Video Production, Flash Animation, Sound Editing and CAD Drawing and a project.


Each unit will be assessed either on a project or a series of tasks with each unit having equal weighting. The students will be assessed on five completed units.

Digital Technologies

COURSE - Digital Technologies


LENGTH - One semester



Learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking such as decomposing problems and prototyping. Students will be engaged in a wider range of information systems as they broaden their experiences and involvement in national, regional and global activities.


HOW COMPUTERS WORK: A look at binary and how data is transferred through a computer.

DATA: Acquire data from a range of sources and evaluate authenticity, accuracy and timelines. Analyse and visualise data using a range of software to create information.

DESIGN THINKING: Decompose real work problems, considering constraints. Develop user interfaces and prototype solutions. Evaluation of products.

PROGRAMMING: Design programs both diagrammatically and in a programming language to produce an unexpected output based on user in put.


A range of assessment methods will be utilised including assignments and two projects - one on programming and a second one on data manipulation.

COURSE - Digital Technology

LEVEL - 9/10

LENGTH - One semester


To further students understandings of Information Technology. This course will encourage students to become more than “users” of the technology, using higher order thinking skills to design and create solutions. This course will provide them with the background skills for the SACE Digital Technology courses.


This course will include exposure to Data Analytics, Programming with Python and computer systems knowledge.


Each unit will be assessed either on a project or a series of assignments with each unit having equal weighting. The students will be assessed on five completed units.