
Where Do You Want To Go?

The Guided Tour

The focus of The Guided Tour is to provide a growth-producing experience for our travelers, in which they are able to travel and socialize independent of their families. To be able, many for the first time, to share their own vacation experiences with their families, their supervisors, co-workers and friends. The Guided Tour staff make sure our travelers not only have their independence, but they also make sure our travelers have assistance with money, medication, and of course, a fantastic memorable vacation!


Review and Research: Arrive Prepared

TSA's Travel Checklist.pdf

How Will You Get Around While On Vacation?

Renting a Lift Van or Sampling a Lift Van Prior to Purchasing

Rental Vehicles for Side and Rear Ramps.pdf
UBER_LYFT information.pdf

Be An Informed Rider




How Will You Connect With Others

From TechOwl

If you have trouble using a regular telephone, you might be able to get free special equipment.

Free Special Phones are for people who have difficulty hearing, talking, seeing, thinking or moving. Some people start having trouble as they get older or after an accident. Other people have always had a disability. Disabilities include deafness, hearing loss, speech impairment, blindness or have visual problems as well as physical or intellectual disabilities.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a Pennsylvania resident with a disability or disabilities that prevent you from making and/or receiving phone calls independently;

  • Be six years of age or older;

  • Have an individual gross income of 200% of the federal poverty level or less;

  • Have a current home or mobile telephone service (or the ability to get mobile phone service); and

  • Have the ability to learn how to use the requested device(s).

Ways to connect if you choose to not use a phone or are unable to use a phone:

Use an Alexa

Use a Tablet to connect to

Facebook Messenger or Kids Messenger

Cell Phone
Accessibility Apps for smart devices.docx
Free-Low Cost Wireless Providers.docx

Check The Weather and Pack Accordingly