Independent Living 

PaTTAN Promoting Independent Living.pdf
PaTTAN Financial Fundamentals.pdf

Smart Home Technology

What Smart Home Devices may help with Safety and Independence: 

Smart Homes Made Simple presented by Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation As part of our Smart Home Technology Project, we recently expanded this website with a new design to make it a more accessible, user-friendly, and informative resource.We hope this website will serve as a hub of information where members of the disability and aging communities, as well as service providers, housing professionals, and technology consultants, can learn how to integrate smart home technology into the homes of people with disabilities and older adults for greater independence, autonomy, safety, and accessibility.

Independent Living

How Will You Fill Your Days? 

Access card museums 2.pdf

CCAN Runs Cooking Classes For Families                                                                        

 JCHAI Transitions offers 

activities and   opportunities to connect

 Search for Books and Podcasts that will allow you to  Connect and Learn for FREE 

example of a Transition Calendar 

Because #RepresentationMatters

Personal Care


Daylio: This app serves as a self-care bullet journal with features for goal setting and mood tracking. With a simple two-step process, users can swiftly create daily diary entries by choosing their mood and the activities they wish to monitor. Functioning like a personalized accountability tool, it resembles a bullet journal and enables users to record significant events and easily access information at a glance. 

Apple: Daylio                      Google Play Store: Daylio

Evolve 21: This wellness app offers a transformative 21-day program centered on cardio, yoga, or meditation. It provides adaptive exercises designed by experts to accommodate various abilities and disabilities, enabling users to customize their daily workouts for enhanced health and well-being. adaptive exercises designed by experts to accommodate various abilities and disabilities, enabling users to customize their daily workouts for enhanced health and well-being. 

     Tech Owl PA 

There are items are created and gathered to  help increase the independence level as well as  perhaps increase the access to  Rec and Leisure 



YMCA of Bucks County offers adapted activities for youth, teens, and adults that include swim lessons, land fitness classes, one-on-one fitness instruction, karate, ACHIEVE peer socialization, summer camp, teen nights and afterschool programs.


An ABILITY membership is available to those who qualify offering membership and programs at a reduced rate. The membership is designed so that members can be safe and successful while using the facility or participating in programs, with the assistance of a caregiver.

Adaptive Clothing  

*Functional and Fashionable   *   Increase Independence   *   Sensory Friendly *

Excerpt Taken From A Disability Scoop Article: 

QVC said it is introducing an on-air show called “Accessible Living” to highlight “products that simplify everyday tasks and promote independent living.” The network indicated that it is also working to more frequently demonstrate the accessibility of various products across its programming.

In addition, QVC has added an “Accessible & Adaptive” category to its website to showcase hundreds of products ranging from fashion to home, electronics and beauty, the company said, noting that the focus on accessibility is in response to customer demand.

Excerpt Taken From A Disability Scoop Article: October 2023

The NFL’s collection — available from Fanatics — features adaptive and assisted short- and long-sleeve T-shirts, adaptive pullover hoodies and assisted short-sleeve T-shirts for every team in the league. 

Additional List/Links to Stores and Companies That Are Focused on Accessible Clothing 

        How Will You Connect With Others 

From TechOwl 

If you have trouble using a regular telephone, you might be able to get free special equipment.

Free Special Phones are for people who have difficulty hearing, talking, seeing, thinking or moving. Some people start having trouble as they get older or after an accident. Other people have always had a disability. Disabilities include deafness, hearing loss, speech impairment, blindness or have visual problems as well as physical or intellectual disabilities.

To be eligible, you must:

   Ways to connect if you choose to not use a phone or are unable to use a phone:

Use an Alexa 

Use a Tablet to connect to 

Facebook Messenger or Kids Messenger 

Cell Phone
Accessibility Apps for smart devices.docx
Free-Low Cost Wireless Providers.docx