High School

The Pennsbury Vocal Music Program is a sequential K-12 program that strives for excellence in all aspects of music performance and learning. This sequential program exposes students to 1) the basic elements of music and music notation, 2) proper singing technique, 3) music history and important musicians and their contributions, 4) composing and arranging skills, 5) improvisation skills, 6) music critique, analysis, and listening skills, and 7) the interrelated nature of music, the arts, and other disciplines.

Creating and performing music through composition, improvisation, accompanying, and being members of performing ensembles are hallmarks of the Pennsbury vocal music program. Music is an expressive art that enables students to learn and excel as individuals as well as learn commitment and recognize achievement in a group setting.

Philosophy Statement

The Pennsbury Music Department’s commitment to music education is grounded in the recognition of the importance and value of music for the individual, the community, and the world. Music is the aural art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences. This is evidenced by the pervasiveness of music throughout history in all cultures. All persons have innate potential in music. Music education must be included in the school curriculum so all students are able to realize this potential and more fully participate in the human experience. Therefore, the Pennsbury classroom/choral curriculum will:

· Offer a planned, sequential, skills based curriculum taught by certified music educators in each school

· Provide experiences for all students in general and choral music settings

· Provide, in both settings, a variety of music experiences which include performing, listening/responding, and creating opportunities appropriate to the musical abilities of the student

· Provide multicultural and historical perspectives of music which reflect a wide diversity of peoples, styles, and times

· Provide modes for assessing students’ development in music appropriate to the aural nature of the art

· Integrate with other subject areas as appropriate to the music curriculum