
Scott Hertzog "Zog" is the League of Legends coach, and also serves as the Esports coordinator. Scott currently teaches English here at Penn Manor High School, and has been teaching for 23 years. Mr. Hertzog decided to create and coach the program because he grew up in the 1980s playing and being fascinated with gaming. He has a cousin in the sports industry, Mark Zimmerman, who is an analyst for League of Legends and Riot Games. Additionally, Mr. Hertzog has a strong passion for students who seem disconnected from the general school atmosphere. Video game culture often creates a welcoming environment for students who are considered isolated from mainstream academia and school sports. In his early gaming years as a teenager, Mr. Hertzog went to high school at Garden Spot in New Holland, PA where he PC gamed programs like Fourth and Inches, Poll Position, and text adventure games. In the early 2000s, he gamed more seriously with MMO, specifically World of Warcraft. Currently, Mr. Hertzog still plays PC. He did not grow up playing console, so he never got too comfortable with the controls. He enjoys playing League of Legends, and gets motion sickness from playing games like Overwatch and Call of Duty. Mr. Hertzog appreciates games like League of Legends because he feels that he is always learning when playing, like he is figuring out a puzzle.

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