Rewards and Recognition

Recognition and Rewards

Recognition and Rewards are one of the fundamental ways we demonstrate our PHS Values: Respect, Kindness, Effort, Resilience.  We set out to encourage a sense of belonging, community and ownership. The school is continually developing and extending a range of events and activities which will encourage that sense of belonging.  We care about embedding intrinsic motivation in all of our students and actively promote a growth mind-set.  In addition, rewards will be given in as many areas of school life as possible (so they are accessible for all students) and form a continuous process throughout the school year. Rewards are applied by teachers but are triggered by students.

Rewards may also vary over the academic year according to on-going review and research.  The school will also apply a range of different rewards over the year according to how it feels outstanding behaviour, effort and academic achievement should be acknowledged. We monitor that no group of students are over or under-represented in our allocation of rewards.