
Pen Argyl HS Guidance Counselors & Social Workers:


  • Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-8255

  • Treatment Referral Hotline - 1-877-726-4727



  • Videos are posted below, which include some insight on certain mental health issues and how to identify, cope, and overcome them


  • Calm - Free in the App Store

  • Headspace - Free in the App Store

  • Moodpath: Depression and Anxiety - Free in the App Store

  • SuperBetter - Free in the App Store


  • Always try and communicate with someone about your situation

  • Try breathing techniques to manage your anxiety or stress

  • A professional always knows best, consulting with one may allow you to find relief

  • Manage your time, dedicate a certian amount of it towards important things like school, work, family, or friends

  • Try getting adiquate sleep

  • Eat healthy and try to incorporate filling, nutriotius foods into your life

  • Enjoy some time outside, take walks, play with pets, laugh with friends

  • Remember, that your mental health does not define you, you are strong, you are loved, and you are beautiful

NOTE: These resources are here to guide you and inform you. It is always best to consult with a professional to determine any issues.