TSA/VEX Robotics

2018 TSA Members

2018-2019 Chapter President and Vice President

2022 TSA State Conference: PRHS members and SAU 48 members

2022 NH/VT State Championship Design Award

Advisors: Mrs. Beverly Tedeschi (TSA/Robotics) and Mr. Ryan Frazier (Robotics)

Meeting Times:

Mondays after school in Room 121 (2:30-4:00); Additional time periods (Tuesday and Thursday) will be specific to VEX robotics.

What is TSA?

The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national non-profit organization devoted exclusively to the needs of elementary, middle, and high school students with a dedicated interest in technology. Assisting in TSA's student members is a strong support system of educators, alumni, parents, and business leaders who believe in the importance of a technologically literate society.

TSA is the only student organization devoted to the needs of Technology Education students. Open to students who are enrolled in or who have completed technology education courses, TSA is composed of over 180,000 elementary, middle, and high school students in 2,000 schools spanning 48 states. We now have international chapters in Germany, Puerto Rico, and Turkey. Our members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities, and much more!

Who is TSA?

The New Hampshire Technology Student Association (TSA) is committed to providing students with opportunities to excel and advance. New Hampshire TSA is an organization for technology education students. Members are comprised of middle and high school students, alumni, educators, parents, and business leaders who are interested in learning how technology can best be implemented in discovering technological solutions for present, as well as future challenges. New Hampshire TSA promotes Technology Education as a means of preparing students for our dynamic world, inviting them to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and technologically literate, leaders.

National TSA website: http://tsaweb.org/

New Hampshire TSA Website

What is VEX Robotics?

Vex Robotics is a national program where students design, build, and then compete with an 18in x18in robot. Each year a new challenge is presented to teams. The VEX Robotics Competition is the largest and fastest-growing middle school and high school robotics program globally with more than 12,000 teams from 33 countries playing in over 1,000 tournaments worldwide. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game. In 2022, the “Tipping Point” competition involves teams creating a mobile robot that moves goals towards their side of the field or onto a balancing platform. In addition, rings can be scored onto goals as well as robots can be positioned on the platform for additional points. The 2023 challenge resembles ultimate frisbee where discs are launched through the air into a suspended basket. Over the course of the competition, teams are randomly assigned to an alliance with another team. The alliance that scores the most points is then ranked which can advance them to the Tournament Round. In the Tournament Round, the top eight teams pick compatible teams to form new alliances. The winners of each round then advance until reaching the final game to determine the Tournament winners. In addition, teams submit engineering notebooks that document the development of their robot over the course of the competition year. Engineering notebooks must document all work sessions and include information on design, modifications, competitive events, and programming done throughout the year. The engineering notebook and interviews with the judges determine other awards such as the Design Award.

In May 2022 Plymouth Regional High School sent a team that won the State Championship Design Award to Dallas, TX to compete in the World Vex Championship against over 800 teams. Team 99119A was placed in the Science Division and competed directly with 80 other teams. The winner of the Science Division then competed with the top finishers from the other nine divisions.

Mrs. Beverly Tedeschi and Mr. Ryan Frazier are co-advisors for Robotics.



Watch our Powerpoint from 2018 to see more pictures of a typical TSA Conference.....

TSA Presentation2018final.pptx

2017-2018 VEX Team

TSA State Conference April 2022

Dallas TX VEX Worlds

VEX competition (Pinkerton Academy) Fall 2021