Biology A4

 Biology and Foundations in Biology are part of the freshmen science program, which also includes Astronomy.  Biology/Foundations in Biology are the two classes that meet the Biological science requirement for graduation.  Placement in a biology class is determined initially by eighth-grade teachers based on testing data, work ethic, and the student's academic abilities.  Success in Biology depends heavily on mathematical skills as well as reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and communication skills.  Both programs follow the same curriculum but have modifications based on the skill levels of students in the class. 

During the 2023-2024 year, the biology program will be using a variety of online resources instead of a traditional paper textbook.  Students will require access outside of the biology class to complete reading and assignments.  Additional websites will also be used such as "Khan Academy", "Gizmos" and "Newsela". Students will be expected to complete assignments in either Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides OR Word, Excel,  and PowerPoint.  Time will not be provided in class to do regular homework assignments.  During remote instruction, we will use Google Meet using time schedule set by the school administration.  Students are expected to bring a charged Chromebook to class every day. 

For this class,  you will need:  1 1/2 binder (biology only), 4 labeled dividers, closed-toed shoes for lab; optional colored pencils; 

Each day please bring the following:  A charged Chromebook with earphones,  a binder, something to write with, an assignment book, assigned work, closed-toed shoes, and optional colored pencils.

Please refer to the Biology Homework link below for your daily assignments. 

If you miss class, you must see Mrs. Tedeschi on the day of your return (in the morning), during a study hall, or after school to arrange for missed assessments, pick up papers or complete labs in a timely manner.  Most papers will be available through Google Classroom. If you are out for extended absences, please email Mrs. Tedeschi as soon as possible. 

For CK12

For Gizmos:

    1.            If you search for Gizmos you should find this site. 

    2. Use the username and password provided to you by Mrs. Tedeschi.

    3. Use the student worksheet to guide you through the gizmo.  Make sure you click on the assessment check when you are finishe