Meet Ms. Magowan

Welcome Families and thank you for stopping by!

I hope that you find this website useful and that

it helps you stay informed about the events in our classroom.

Some pages will change weekly and some will stay the same.

I am delighted to be your child's teacher this year.

I am committed to making sure that your child's

first year is full of rewarding learning experiences.

In our classroom, we will focus on building a strong sense of

community by providing a safe and motivating learning

environment. I am currently in my 19th year of teaching

here at Campton Elementary School.

Outside of school I spend my time

with my husband-Paul,

daughter-Caitlin, Son- Connor and amazing dog,

Kali Dreamer Dede Watermarker Magowan.

Be sure to check back and see what's new!

I would love to hear from you!


Caitlin and Connor