The Titan Times
Pembroke High School Student Newspaper
October 2023 "We Broke that Story" Volume II, Issue II
October/November Calendar
10/19 - Picture Retakes
10/20 - Pink Day for breast cancer
10/25 - Early Release Day
11/2 - National Honor Society Induction Ceremony (Auditorium 6:30 p.m.)
11/3 - Grades close for Term 1
11/9 - No School (Teacher in-service)
11/9 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
11/9 - Report Cards for Term 1 published and emailed
11/10 - No School - Veterans Day Observed
Welcome to the new student-led school newspaper called The Titan Times! Here you will find articles written by students in Intro to Journalism. Writers and editors are in grades 10-12.
Teacher Supervisor: Mrs. Mrowka
Follow us on Instagram @the_titan_times