
  1. To allow further development of skills with interscholastic competition. Therefore, a "no-cut policy" is implemented except in extreme cases where there are undoubtedly too many students to allow adequate playing time. Administration will make this decision. This program provides the opportunity for the students to interact socially and competitively with athletes from other schools. It is also our prayer that the students will gain an understanding of a team concept and learn to recognize the difference in abilities of peers by accepting those who are starters and those who gain more playing time.
  2. To enhance communication between coaches and the Athletic Director at Pella Christian Grade School: Problems that develop between coaches should be resolved in a private, professional manner according to the Matthew 18 principle. If the differences persist, the problem should be presented to the Athletic Director for clarification and/or for settlement. In extreme circumstances, the Athletic Director or coach may request a meeting with the Head of School. If this occurs, the meeting will include the coach, Athletic Director and Head of School.
  3. To enhance communication between the athletic program and the scholastic program at Pella Christian Grade School:
    • Coaches will be aware of the student athletes’ grades during the sports season.
    • Coaches will inform student athletes of the school’s policies regulating eligibility.
    • Coaches will stress the importance of a winning attitude for academics as well as athletes.
    • Coaches will communicate with parents if grades become a problem with an athlete. The Athletic Director will communicate with coaches. The Head of School will communicate with the Athletic Director.
    • Coaches will stress academics before athletics as part of every sports program.
    • Coaches will communicate directly with teachers and Athletic Director if classroom problems exist with an athlete.
  4. To enhance communication between coaches and student-athletes:
    • Coaches will make student athletes aware of team rules.
    • Coaches will actively encourage all athletes to participate in a number of other activities.
    • Coaches will stress the importance of the student-athletes’ role model status with the community, school and peers.
    • Coaches will inform all student athletes of the necessity for a physical and insurance protection before the season begins.
    • Coaches will provide a climate that is comfortable and safe for all student athletes.
    • Coaches will nurture a caring attitude between themselves and the student-athlete. Corinthians 13:13 “And the greatest of these is love.”
  5. To enhance communication between coaches and Pella Christian Grade athletes’ parents:
    • Coaches will be required to hold a pre-season meeting for athletes’ parents where team goals and expectations should be stated.
  6. To enhance communication between coaches and the Pella Christian Grade administration:
    • The Athletic Director will challenge head coaches to set goals for the season at the beginning of each season. Goals should be centered on skill development, character development, and overall team improvement. The main goal should always be for the student-athletes to enjoy the sport more at the end of the season than before the season begins.
    • Coaches will inform the appropriate administrator of all practices, events, and activities.
    • If coaches change practice schedules, please inform the office so that they are aware of changes if parent call.
    • The Athletic Director will evaluate head coaches and review that evaluation at the end of the season. This post-season meeting should also include a review of the 5 goals set forth at the beginning of the season and will provide an opportunity to mutually determine ways to improve the program for the next season.