Grad Portfolio 

Who am I?

I am a linguist who has studied over 30 languages to date. I love languages and language in general. As a linguist, I strive to use language to assist in creating logical solutions for the problems our world faces on a daily basis. I have a deep interest in applying linguistics to A.I, machine learning, and computer programming for the further evolution and production of A.I. Not only do I have a passion for linguistics and technology, but I also love exploring and learning ancient languages such as Old English, Old Norse, and Ancient Latin; however I have no bounds when it comes to languages, the world is a treasure trove. I believe in looking at things from both a creative and logical lens in order to create solutions and to create in general. Language is a part of anything and everything that is human, and I believe in being flexible and available for all types of subjects that need linguistics. 

On this site I have provided a few samples of my work from over the years. Endilega njótið! Gratias ago tibi, quia visitare!