Flex-Work @ PSU Supervisor Toolkit

Work @ PSU 

Portland State University, as an access university in the heart of Portland, Oregon, is deeply connected to our community. Fulfillment of our mission to ‘Let Knowledge Serve the City’ is enabled by our ability to connect with students, staff and our community at large by supporting and enriching a vibrant campus community.

Work at PSU requires creativity and flexibility in the solutions that we craft. Whether these solutions target support, services or instruction, they are vital to the success of our students and staff as well as our greater community.

Our flexibility is often mirrored in the ways we structure and schedule the work of our employees. Embracing flexibility as a key principle of our Flex-Work @ PSU Guidelines allows us to maintain transparent and equitable conversations with employees about their work schedule. This promotes employee well-being while delivering outstanding services and solutions. These conversations will necessarily be connected to the broader strategic goals that you develop with your area leadership and under the strategic direction of PSU’s President. 

Providing consistently excellent service to our students and customers is our highest priority. In order to do this, we must collaboratively assess workplace options including the hours and locations in which work takes place. This Supervisor Toolkit will provide you with support in how to manage your team’s Flex-Work options.